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"Connecticut is so fucking boring." Yazzy said as she laid down on her bed.

"We should seriously do something fun before I blow my brains out." Everly said sitting on Yazzy's desk chair.

"Beach?" I suggested.

"Nah. I'm tired of the beach." Vince took a drag from his juul.

"Of course you are, cabron sucio." Yazzy laughed and threw her pillow at him.

"You lucky I suck at Spanish and that all I do is sleep in that class." Vince laughed.

"She called you a dirty bitch." Everly laughed.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I took it out to see who it was.

7:21 PM
mommy / Hey Helena. Just wanted to remind you that I'm going on that teacher retreat tonight and will be gone for two days. See you baby. I love you.

Shit I forgot she had that retreat. Good for me though. I could leave to somewhere and she won't know. My sister Alexa is in California for the summer so I can't hang out with her anyways.

7:24 PM
me / okay mommy. i love you and be careful!

"Guess who has the free till Saturday." I said to them.

"No shit, seriously?" Vince said with surprise in his voice.

"Yup. That teacher retreat is this week."

"Hold up. Let's go to New York." Yazzy sat up on her bed and said with a smile on her face.

"None of us have a car, dumbass." Vince chucked the pillow back to her.

"Fuck." She mumbled.

I looked to my phone and remembered who does have a car.

"I know someone who does." I shrugged.

"Oh my God thank you. Who?" Yazzy asked with impatience.


"Nope. Never mind no New York." Vince shook his head and we all looked at him with annoyance.

"Boys and their fucking egos. Come on, Vince." Everly punched his arm.

"Ow, and I just don't like that guy."

"Why? Is it because he's better looking than you?" I teased him.

"Shut up. And no. No one can top this hair." He said putting his hand throughout his hair.

"Don't comb too much or your fleas will jump out." I said trying to hold back my laughs.

Vince gave me a look and I laughed harder. He stood up and came over to me. He then picked me up and threw me onto the bed. I continued to laugh because afterwards he started to tickle me.

"Alright cut it out before you give my bed an STD." Yazzy pushed Vince off of me, and Everly's laugh became loud.

"Okay so what's the plan?" I said sitting up and controlling myself.

"How about we just get a rental van type thing and force Micah to drive?" Everly said opening up Yazzy's laptop and searching up rental vans.

"Sounds good sounds good." I nodded agreeing.

"Who else should we invite then?" Yazzy asked taking out her phone and going through her contacts,

"Kyle for sure." Vince said, wanting his guy best friend to be there.

"Xiomara, Onya, and Oliver." Everly added on and we all agreed.

"So that's nine people, damn. What we gonna take? A UHaul truck?" I said and we all laughed.

"I'll make a group chat right now and tell them to make an excuse to be away for the next two days. Everly, find an AirBnB in the city. We'll split expenses." Yazzy told her and Everly nodded.

An hour later and everyone was now at Yazzy's house. We already picked an AirBnB and payed, and Micah picked up the rental van. It was one of those black vans that they use in reality TV shows.

"You still didn't tell us where we were going." Xiomara said to Yazzy.

"Oh shit I didn't? We're going to New York baby." Yazzy smiled.

"Now why-" Onya questioned then chuckled.

"Because Quinnsland is boring. Now, everyone in the van." Yazzy rolled her eyes and we all laughed.

"Bro you got drinks or something?" Oliver asked Vince.

"Of course and the gas." Vince smirked and the boys seemed hype.

Micah walked over to me and looked at me with a small smile.

"You've ever been to New York?" He asked me.

"Nope." I shook my head.

"Seriously?" He widened his eyes, seeming surprised.

"Yes. Don't judge me." I playfully smacked his arm.

"Come on. Ride shotgun with me." He grabbed my hand then opened the door for me.

"Thank you." I smiled.

Everyone and their bags eventually got into the car and we started to leave.

I was in charge of AUX and rap music blasted through the speakers. Everyone started to dance in their seats and Vince passed around jello shots. The boys sat in the back, and the rest of the girls in the front. Yazzy and Xiomara were texting me song requests every five minutes and I got tired and just gave Yazzy the AUX.

This was going to be a long two hour drive.

Midway drive, Onya told everyone that it was nap time, and they all knocked out. I was given the AUX back and started to play my indie playlist.

I looked back and saw Everly laying on Onya and Onya laying on Xiomara and Xiomara laying on Yazzy.

Micah and I were the only ones awake.

I looked out the window and saw the dark night sky where the stars glistened above. I heard that you can't see stars in New York, which is sad.

"Hungry?" Micah asked me.

"Kind of." I nodded.

He opened the glove department and revealed all of my favorite snacks. M&Ms, Doritos, Milky Ways, KitKats, vanilla pudding, and a pumpkin loaf from Starbucks. He remembered what I liked.

"You got all of these for me?" I looked up at him with shock in my eyes.

"Of course. I know you like these snacks so I got them for you." He made a quick look over to me then back to the road.

My heart started to beat faster and I couldn't believe that he did this for me. A blush appeared onto my face and I smiled.

"Thank you."

"Anytime, beautiful."

I started to eat the food and continued to look out at the night sky. It was beautiful and there were barely any cars out. It was nine at night, and nothing but trees were on each side of the car. The moon was a waning crescent, and no clouds were in the sky.


About a half hour later, I finally saw the "Welcome to New York" sign.

To wake everyone up I played "Waves by Kanye West" at full blast, and everyone slowly started to wake up. Yazzy was cursing me out in Spanish because of the scare, but it was worth it. I opened the windows and slowly the beautiful lights of New York City shone through the car. The boys started to shout out of happiness and the girls too.

It feels good to get out of Quinnsland.

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