Chapter 27: Ramen Buddies

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-Normal POV-

Y/n let go, letting the wind carry her body. A few villagers shrieked at the sight of her body rapidly falling. Her hair blew upwards. This feels nice. It's relaxing, and peaceful. she thought. She closed her eyes and spread her arms out wide allowing gravity to pull her down. Several villagers yelled out in concern.

Suddenly, there was an orange blob who came running at a high speed. He swooped up y/n in his arms and jumped back to the top of the Hokage faces. Y/n had her eyes shut but slowly opened them to see a concerned Naruto.

"Naruto? I thought you were on a mission. What are you doing?" she asked a bit disappointed but at the same time relieved. He squinted at her and looked around.

"What are you doing? It's not like you to fall off like that. I never thought you were that clumsy." Naruto remarked. Y/n looked down. Her face was drained from color and her eyes showed no signs of life. She simply shrugged, not wanting to worry him anymore. Naruto noticed the strange behavior of his friend and gave her a hug. Although he may be an idiot, he understood what was going on here. Y/n needed that hug and buried her face in his shoulder and held his jacket tightly. She let out muffled sniffles. He patted her head with one hand.

"It's okay. Let it all out." he said. Soon she was bawling her eyes out. Tears soaked Naruto's jacket as she screamed and cried her heart out.

"W-why N-naruto? Why am I b-being p-punished? I'm trying my best. Why did you save m-me?" she let out.

"Because you're my friend y/n."

"Is is b-because of S-Sasuke? Is that why y-you pity me and s-saved me?"

"No, y/n. If you're gone who's gonna be my ramen buddy? You're the only one who didn't laugh at me and took me seriously." Naruto said hugging y/n closer to him.

~Flash Back: Before the Academy~

"I'M GOING TO BE THE HOKAGE! BELIEVE IT!" a small yellow hair boy shouted as he jumped down from a store he had just vandalized. The villagers looked at him in disgust and shouted at him. Little did he know that a certain Uchiha girl had witnessed the scene. He ran from the angry shop owner all day long until he was hungry.

Naruto's stomach grumbled as he passed by Ichiraku Ramen. He stopped there and looked at the ramen shop with a sad face.

"I'm so hungry." he mumbled. As he was walking away, a h/c haired girl saw him.

"Hey. You're that boy from earlier." she remarked. He looked at her with furrowed brows and pouted a bit.

"Yeah so what? I'm gonna be the Hokage! Believe it! It doesn't matter if you laugh at me. Hmph." he replied. His stomach growled again. He let out a wince.

"I'm not gonna laugh at my future Hokage. And are you hungry?" y/n said. Naruto looked surprised but simply nodded his head. She suddenly grabbed his hand and pulled him to the one and only Ichiraku Ramen shop.

"Let's eat together!" she exclaimed.

"Huh? But I don't have any money!"

"It's okay, you can pay me back when you become Hokage." y/n gave a big smile to Naruto and ordered him a bowl of ramen.

~Flash Back Ends: Current Time~

"I still need to become the Hokage and pay you back." he said, hugging y/n tightly. She let go of him and gave a weak smile.

"Th-thank you N-naruto." she managed to sniffle out. He stood up and helped her up.

"Now let's go get ramen." he said excitingly and motioned for her to get on his back and carried her to Ichiraku.

He ordered her a bowl but because Naruto is his #1 Costumer and he knew what she was going through Teuchi gave them 2 free ramen bowls. They ate up and Naruto walked y/n home.

"Thank you again Naruto. I'm gonna miss you." she said, giving Naruto a hug. He was leaving with Jiraiya in a couple of days. Naruto gave her a big smile.

"Don't worry y/n! I'll get Sasuke back! But when I return we need to get ramen! Believe it!" he said and left.

Y/n flopped down onto her bed, taking in what all had happen. It was a long day and she was worn out. There was a sudden knock on the door. I don't feel like answering. It's already night and I'm tired. She thought and refused to open the door. The knocking only increased. But again she ignored it. There was a loud metal clank which caused y/n to get out of her bed and see what had happened. Tenten was there, dissembling the door. Hinata, Lee, Shikamaru, and Choji also stood there with a concerned look on their faces. Tenten dropped the lock and gave her a big hug.

"Y/n! You're okay!" Tenten exclaimed. I guess word travelled fast.

"Huh? Why are you guys here?" she also noticed that they were all holding bags or backpacks.

"W-we were w-worried a-about you." Hinata said.

"Naruto told us everything!" Lee exclaims as he hugs y/n also.

"Guys I'm fine really. What's with the bags?" y/n said completely exhausted.

"We're staying over and you can't object. It'd be such a drag if we had to go back to our houses after we already packed." Shikamaru yawned.

"I brought snacks!" Choji said pulling out several bags of chips. Y/n gave a weak smile.

"Fine you guys can stay but I'm tired and so I'm going to bed." she gave in and walked off into her room.

"Wait y/n! Where is Neji?" Lee asks. Y/n winces back at his name. Come to think of it, she never explained to Naruto about Neji so of course they wouldn't know. They think it's because of Sasuke. (only partially the reason) She sighed and walked back to them and guided them into the living room. They set up their futons and y/n explained what had happened with Neji.

"How could he do such a thing!?!" -Lee

"I'll teach him a lesson!" -Tenten

"I never thought much about him anyway!" -Choji

"Want me to strangle him?" -Shikamaru

"That's h-horrible. M-my father didn't tell me." -Hinata

Y/n let out a sigh.
"I should get to bed. You guys too."

"Y/n we're here for you if you need it. Remember that." Shikamaru said.

"Thanks Shika." she smiled and then left.

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