Chapter 41: Village Hero

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Y/n and Neji got back together. No one was surprised but they were all certainly happy. Tenten was attempting to accept it. Y/n had gone on a mission with her team. As they were coming back from their mission y/n could sense disturbance as she approached the village.

"Do you hear that?" she asked. They all stopped.

"I sense something bad too!" Lee exclaimed.

"We should hurry!" Guy sensei agreed. Neji nodded.

"Aww! Come on we just got back to from the village." Tenten complained but ran with them.

When they arrived at the village it was barely even a village. It was more like a crater. Hinata and Sakura were in the middle of the giant whole.

"Where did the village go?" y/n muttered in frightened despair until she set her gaze upon her indigo haired friend.

They all rushed down where Sakura was trying desperately to heal Hinata. Neji immediately rushed to her side as did y/n.

"What's happening?!?" y/n asked frantically.

"P-Pain. H-He destroyed the village. K-Kakashi sensei is down! Naruto is turning into the 9 tails to fight him!" Sakura quickly said.

"What happened to Hinata?!?" Neji asked.

"She tried to help Naruto but Pain was too strong! I'm trying to heal her but it's not working!" Sakura yelled.

"We must go help Naruto!" Lee exclaimed.

"No you'll only get in his way!" Guy sensei said. Lee looked disappointed. But he was right. There was nothing they could do now except for believe in Naruto.

After some time the 9 tails de-evolved. Naruto had control again. Soon he was pursuing Pain's real body. Team Guy stood there standing, looking at their village in pieces. Helpless. Despair. Everyone dead.

Suddenly everyone woke up. Hinata's eyes opened.

"Hinata!" they all exclaimed.

"N-Naruto-kun?" she said softly.

"Naruto must've done it! He must've saved the village!" Lee exclaimed as they watched the people who were once dead rise around them.

"Y/n? N-Neji? Lee? G-Guy Sensei?" Hinata asked confused and sleepily.

"Hinata!" y/n said again and took her from Sakura's arms giving her a hug.

Everyone got up and looked around the village. They then all saw Naruto being carried by Kakashi sensei. The village rose a cheered as they saw their hero approach them.

"NARUTO!" they all cheered.

He walked over to them and the villagers started to throw him up and down in celebration.

After some time Naruto went over to his friends.

"N-Naruto!" Hinata exclaimed.

"Hinata! You're all right!" he went over and hugged her.

SPOILER for Naruto Shippuden: (im making it so they get together now so that neji doesnt die)

"You should rest now. You did a lot today." Hinata said.

"Yeah." Naruto chuckled.

"But Hinata. I-I accept your f-feelings." both Naruto and Hinata grew red.

"I-I mean i-if that's what you meant w-when you fought Pain. O-or did I just misinterpret something!" Naruto said frantically.

"N-No! I l-like you Naruto." Hinata replied.

"Oh. O-Okay then yeah." Naruto added in relief.

"Two lovebirds here!" y/n added with a smile.

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