Chapter 28: Gaara

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There was a knock on y/n's door but she was still asleep. So instead, Shikamaru opened the door. Neji was standing there with a solemn look on his face.

"Why are you here?" he asked Shikamaru.

"Just helping a friend. Why are you here?" Shikamaru asked in response.

"I'm here for y/n." Neji said. Shikamaru was still hesitant to let him in but Neji would not leave. He finally gave in and let him in, yawning.

"This is drag. Whatever, come in." he said. Neji walked in. He was immediately met with a slap from Tenten.

"Shikamaru, why'd you let him in?" she said angrily. He simply shrugged.

"I deserved that." Neji said shamefully.

"Yes you did. *sigh* She's not awake yet. You have NO idea what you put her through." Tenten whispered. This caused Hinata to wake up.

"N-Neji?" she whispered as she rubbed her eyes. Her face looked sympathetic yet disgusted at the same time, causing Neji to look away. She got up and decided to cook something for y/n when she wakes up. Tenten helped out. Once it was done, the smell of food woke up Choji and Lee soon woke up later.

"Mmm. Food." Choji said drooling. But his attention was shifted to Neji. He frowned at the sight of him and gave a 'hmph.'

"How could you do this to y/n?!?" Lee cried out. Lee's loud voice awoke y/n who sleepily walked into the kitchen where they were all gathered. She rubbed her eyes and then looked at Neji.

"Y/n..." he said as he approached her. She backed up so he stopped.

"Y/n... I'm really sorry for being so rude and hiding from you." Neji said. She stayed quiet.

"Y/n. Please say something." his voice was shaky and he was tearing up.

"Well there's nothing you're gonna do to change that so just leave. Please." she said, looking away from him. She couldn't face him. She slightly chuckled hoping that'll hide her teary eyes and shaky tone.

"I love you y/n." Neji said as he left.

~Two Weeks Later~

Neji had been put in 3 man team with Akua and another ninja from Kirigakure. Y/n had been avoiding him. She was coming back from a mission but then spots a red haired boy. She runs over to him.

"Gaara!" she exclaimed. She jumped down from the roof as he looked at her.

"Oh y/n. Hi!" he said happily.

"I heard you're gonna be Kazekage soon. Congrats! What are you doing here?" y/n said.

"Oh. I was just discussing with the Hokage about when we should do the next Chunin exams. She said that it'd be best if we did it after I become Kazekage." he replied.

"Oh cool. Where's Temari and Kankuro?" y/n asked him.

"Temari went with Shikamaru to discuss what type of exams to do and Kankuro ran off chasing some blonde haired girl to a flower shop. Oh and y/n I never got to say this but I'm sorry. About the Chunin exams and Lee and everything." Gaara replied.

"No actually thank you. I heard you saved Lee and helped attempt to bring Sasuke back. So thank you." you remark, still walking with him. The streets were busy but the day was bright and sunny.

"How are you y/n?"

"I'm okay. Just hanging in there you know." she answered honestly.

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