Chapter 44: Love Blossoms

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The war had ended a couple years ago. Crazy isn't it?

After the incident with Toneri, Hinata and Naruto had gotten together. Of course I was so excited for my best friend. Then I found out they were getting married I couldn't help but to let out a squeal of happiness. But I must admit, I was jealous of them. I wish Neji would propose to me already.

I was in town, searching for a gift for the couple. Everyone seemed to be stressing over it. I wanted to make sure their gift was perfect. Suddenly Konohamaru appeared in front of me.

"Y/n!" he called.

"Oh Konohamaru." I remarked. He was holding a camera.

"I'm making a video y/n! Why don't you say something! Hinata's your bestfriend right?" he explained.

"Oh well yes but I'm not quite prepared but sure." I replied.

"Okay! 1. 2. 3."

"C-Congratulations Hinata and Naruto! I knew this day would come! Its about time Naruto! You better treat her well!" I said smiling the first half but glaring the second.

"Y-Y/n you looked so scary." Konohamaru remarked.

"Oh did I?" I asked innocently with a laugh.

"Anyway thank you!" Konohamaru said and left.

Then I got the perfect idea! I got home and started to rummage through some old photos I had in boxes.

I made duplicates of the photos for me to keep but then put together a scrap book.

I went around asking if anyone else had photos of all of us or just Hinata and Naruto. Iruka sensei gave me a copy of a picture when Naruto was little. Hanabi gave me a baby picture of Hinata. Neji gave me a picture of Hinata and Naruto training. Shikamaru and Ino had a few. Sakura had the most. Lee had 2 photos of Naruto and him together. I made copies of all the photos and put them in the scrapbook.

I wrote a congratulations letter to them as well as an individual one for Hinata and Naruto in the scrapbook. I tried making it look as nice as possible. I decorated it with washi tape and stickers. (do they even have that? they have cameras so they must. idk) I used colorful markers and tried my best handwriting I could.

"Perfect!" I said to myself as I looked through the scrapbook. The cover of the scrapbook was a picture of Naruto and Hinata with purple and orange washi tape that served as the border. I added a dried purple flower and a ramen sticker onto the cover as well.

I added some money inside because I still felt that it wasn't enough.

Now that I got that out of the way I wanted to look for an outfit to wear. I picked out a nice (fav color) dress (or suit). Neji would be my date to the wedding.

The wedding day soon came. Neji picked me up. He was wearing a nice gray suit and a black headband.

I met up with the girls. Tenten and I had gotten better. She attempted to make up for her actions any opportunity she got. We remained distant friends.

I then greeted the Sand Siblings. To my surprise not only had Hinata and Naruto gotten together but Ino and Sai were a thing as well as Temari and Shikamaru. I was proud of them. I made my way back to Neji, holding his hand.

"You look gorgeous." he remarked, and held my hand up to kiss it.

"You look gorgeous as well." I giggled.

The ceremony soon started. Iruka sensei took the role as Naruto's dad. I cried a bit during it.

Once the ceremony was over we had the party. We all danced around as we greeted the bride and groom. Hinata then threw her boquet of flowers and I unexpectedly caught it. Everyone began to say 'ooo' causing both Neji and I to blush.

After a long day of celebration Neji took me home.

"Are you free tomorrow?" Neji asked as we arrived at my house.

"Yeah. There's been less missions lately." I replied.

"Cool. Then can I pick you up around 5 pm?"

"Sounds good."

It was normal for Neji to take me out on dates. But once a month he'd schedule a fancy dinner date. I was all for that but I liked more casual settings.

The next day arrived. Naruto and Hinata were on their honeymoon. I decided to see what Lee was up to and check on Guy sensei. Lee was training as always and Guy sensei was in high spirits.

I grabbed some lunch with Choji since Ino and Shikamaru were both on dates.

Afterward I walked around and hung out with Sakura a bit.

5 pm soon came. I dressed up into something nice and waited for Neji.

He came dressed up even finer than at the wedding. I gazed at his fashionable outfit and neatly brushed hair.

"You're staring." he smirked, flicking my forehead.

"It's not my fault my boyfriends so hot." I laughed.

He took my hand and we walked through the village. We stopped by everywhere I wanted to go since there was a festival going on. Usually Neji would only pick a few places to go but tonight he was lenient. Maybe he was feeling spontaneous. We spent an hour at the festival. I ate delicious food and played games. I obviously won the games and got a (fav animal) mask.

Neji then took me onto the top of the Hokage's faces as the sun set. The vibrant colors clashed in the sky, mixing it to give a nice hue. It was warm but there was a gentle breeze.

"Remember when I first took you up here?" Neji asked.

"Of course!" I smiled stilling looking at the sun set.

He then took my hand, making me look towards him. Once my gaze was fixed upon him he knelt down onto one knee and took a tiny box out of his pocket.

"Y/n Uchiha. I know I've not been the best, but you have saved me so many times. I was once an arrogant brat but you put me in my place and I'm thankful for that. Every single second I spend with you is cherished. And I'd love to create more moments with you where I could cherish you forever. My beautiful and strong shinobi, Y/n Uchiha, will you marry me?" the box opened revealing a dazzling diamond ring.

I gasped. Speechless. Words at lost. Unable to speak. Synonyms for speechless. Tears of joy filled my eyes.

"Yes! Of course! Took you long enough!" I finally said. He let out a relieved sigh and slipped the ring onto my finger.

I stared at it, admiring the shine. He stood up and cupped my face, placing a kiss on my lips. I kissed back. This kiss wasn't full of lust. It was full of passion and true love. Admiration. Respect. Gratitude.

We broke away.

"I was afraid you'd say no." he chuckled.

"How can I say no to you?" I smiled.

We held hands as we watched the sun finally fall asleep.

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