Chapter 19: Sweat

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~Time Skip Next Day~

"Hey Lee." y/n said as she placed flowers into a vase near by. He was sleeping peacefully. The sun shined through the thin curtains. Y/n gave a weak smile. Tenten and Neji came in also. Tenten had brought more flowers.

"Looks like Neji's the only one who made it to the finals. You and Lee really deserved it though." Tenten said.

"Lee did. He fought so hard. He really proved that he could be a great shinobi with just taijustu. Gaara is a really strong and powerful opponent. I didn't deserve it though." y/n explains.

"What do you mean? Yes you did! You beat him using an awesome strategy." Tenten praised.

"Yeah but I used my mangekyou sharingan. I'd be nothing without that."

"If you didn't explain what you did to him then you would've won without it."

"Yeah see. I got too cocky."

"Shut up. At least you didn't get folded by Temari." Tenten pouted.

"I have to go train. You know with the finals and all." Neji said.

"Oh wait I said I was meeting up with Hinata. I'll walk with you. Bye Tenten." y/n added.

She waved. "I'm gonna stay with Lee for a bit longer." Y/n nodded and caught up with Neji. They didn't talk they whole way there. Neji hated small talk and y/n was comfortable with the silence. Just as they got to the Hyuga Compound she asked.

"Did you apologize to Hinata yet?"


"Are you going to apologize?"

"I don't see why."



"Apologize to her today."


"You sound like such a child."

"Apologize for what?"

"For being rude. I understand that it's a fight so I don't care if you apologize for the injuries but all those comments were really unnecessary."

"Ugh. I was speaking the truth."

"You are so closed minded. Apologize or else."

"Or else what?" he said as he put his arms around her waist. He smirked when he saw her flustered.

She wiggled out of his grip. "Or else no more hugs or kisses." Neji pouted and then sigh.


"It's just an apology."

"Mm. Fine." Neji said stubbornly. Finally they knocked on the door. A few seconds later a guard opened the door. Y/n made her way to Hinata's room as Neji went to the training grounds.

"Hey Hinata." she said as Hinata emerged from her room.

"Hi y/n." Hinata replied. This time she wasn't wearing her jacket for it was desperately hot today. The sun was blazing and roughly touched their skins. The heat made it hard to think and y/n was sweating before she knew it.

"It's really hot." she remarked.

"You can t-take off your shirt if you want." Hinata said.

"Thanks." y/n took off her shirt, only wearing her sports bra and shorts (or skirt). Hinata took her to the kitchen and offered a glass of water.

"So Hinata what do you want to do today?"

"I was actually wondering if y-you can h-help me train." Hinata said.

"Of course!" the h/c haired girl responded. Hinata's face lit up as she took her to the training grounds. Neji was already there, training with a guard.

His hair was tied up in a messy ponytail. Two long strands of hair fell to each side of his face.  He had no shirt on so it revealed his nicely formed abs. Sweat dripped down his face as the burning sun shone onto his skin. The heat got to y/n's head causing her to stare at her insanely hot boyfriend. Hinata caught on so she went to set up as Neji approached her.

"Uh Hinata. Wait. Uh. I'm sorry for yesterday. It was unnecessary to say those things." Neji said. Hinata looked shock for Neji usually never apologized.

"Uh i-it's okay Neji." she said slightly confused. Neji then made his way over to y/n.

"Like what you see?" he said smirking at the sight of his girlfriend staring. Her cheeks grew a dark red as she quickly looked away.

"W-what do you mean?" she asked still looking down. She only stuttered around Neji.

"I caught you staring."

"Nuh. Uh." she said shaking her head.

He then admired her body which was glowing in the sunlight. Her glow gave off warmth and happiness. He put his hand on her waist and then used his other hand to tilt her chin upwards. His white, slightly lavender, eyes met her e/c eyes.

"You're beautiful y/n." he said, still keeping eye contact. She averted her eyes.

"S-stop. Don't s-say it so casually." was her response. Neji chuckled and then kissed her. She stood there in shock yet again as she felt his soft lips meet hers. She kissed back. This caused Neji to pull her closer. The sun gently lit up the couple's faces as the heat set their body ablaze. If the heat from the sun wasn't enough then certainly the heat of the kiss was boiling. They both pulled away.

"G-give me a warning next time!" the flustered girl whined.

"Hehe. You liked that didn't you." he said seductively. Her whole face was red.

"H-hinata's waiting. I h-have to go." she quickly made her way over to Hinata who had witnessed the whole thing.

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