Alice's POV

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A loud hmmf escaped my lips, as I landed once more onto the mat floor, taking the breath from me, for the third time today. I had been training with Jaddreirth, for the last two days, whilst apparently my mates where sorting out mine and my friends living quarters at Drogdrannith's house, to make it as 'human' as possible.

Jaddreirth, just winked at me whilst handing out his right hand to me and saying "well that's a improvement from last time. You stayed in the air for 5 minutes straight, your wing is much stronger than I thought it would be in this amount of time" a loud groan irrupted from my mouth, as my back began to ache and then said as I grabbed his tight hand with my right hand and let him bring me up "tell that to my back" he gave me a Olanzaset Afreside from the planet Detera.  It was heaven in a slimy green gloop. The colour and substance of the Han-lick, was not.......well that appetising to look at or to feel, but like Jaddreirth had said yesterday "It's not like you bloody eat it. It works quicker than any human products for your aches, after all we can't stop or not go onto a mission because of injures or back problems".

I have to admit it works miracles, as I have been told. The Han-lick, once hovering over the place in question, over the pain or ache, it attaches itself to the body like a glove. It moulds it's self around the pain or ache and a cooling sensation starts to form. It lasts a whole day, if applied right.

Once the Han-lick had started to work and I slowly felt like my muscles where slowly relaxing and the pain fading, I looked at my wing and sure enough it looked like it was getting stronger, no longer did it look like it had gotten to the point that it was about to drop off.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Jaddreirth, gave me a beautiful sword. The sword seemed to be completely different to Jaddreirth's, the only other Golden Dragons of Zanatoo that I knew of. The sword looked like it was fashioned out of a sparkling golden metal, the reason why it had sparkled was because of little crystals embedded into the sword, the blade was of pure silver and the words that all Golden Dragons of Zanatoo stood by, written in a dark red colour, read: 'Follow the light, for the darkness is but a pitiful hole of no return'

Jaddreirth said sadly as he gave it to me "legends state that, when the Phoenix herself fashioned a world for her daughter, she fashioned this sword to always protect her daughter and her descendants. It has passed down the line and has done its job protecting the Royal Household.....except for your parents. Now it's your turn to be the Temporary owner, until the chosen one comes" I looked at him confused and asked "who is the chosen one?" He rolled his eyes and then said as he grabbed one of the training sticks behind him, as I was looking at the sword in my hands "that legend....well it's more like a bedtime story than a legend. A legend is based on facts. But if you insist, I will tell you. This so called 'legend' states that:

On mankind's destruction and that of the mythical world's demise as well. A guiding light will appear and bring once more, peace and harmony to the planet and universe herself. Not of the world you know and also not of the planet you know either. This light will be that in a form of a woman, an orphan child, stronger and braver than her age, but yet not yet strong enough to stand alone. She will be tested, with her mates and friends by her side, she will bring the delicate balance, back to normality.*

*(to be found out in the next book).

But many have and tried failed to find the chosen one, with are world crumbling around us and the delicate balance of the humans not knowing of us, is quickly being ripped apart. No one knows what will happen, once are truth is unearthed to the humans" he turned his head to face the other young warriors and said as he breathed out a long sigh "the mythical race, has slowly been destroyed by man, sometimes to the point of distinction. It also doesn't help, that having a mate is a very rare thing to happen in are world, no matter what the human race writes about us in there books. We are like a very small island, tipping off into the sea of no return" he looked at me and said with a smirk on his face "And to think, even though the mythical race are at the point of no return, from not enough mates, protecting the race of man and the mythical race from literally destroying themselves, we also have Drogdrannith to deal with" he then asked me "Alice, do you think it's worth it?" I looked at the pained expression on Jaddreirth's face and said with a small smile of my own "yes, I do. It's worth it, if it wasn't and the delicate balance was completely destroyed. Then more of your race will be destroyed, please don't lose hope" he picked up the sword from my hands and put it to the side leaning against the wall behind me, then said "you know, you are exactly like your mother. Kind, gentle, generous and most importantly seeing something in a situation to make it better. I would be honoured if my mate, would be like you. That is if I ever find one" the mention of my birth mother that I had hardly knew, except for blips in my memory gave me a sense of warmth, which quickly turned to worry. I asked Jaddreirth "Jaddreirth, do you know where my mates are?" He gave a small smirk and said "I see that the mating pull, is working then" then he said "as far as I am aware, they are finishing off the new living quarters. You see Drogdrannith's house, has never had a female visitor, so they had a lot to learn about females desires for living quarters. I had news an hour ago, that they will come this evening for the evening feast. I didn't tell you, because I wanted you to practice more on your training, I didn't want you to be distracted" I nodded my head agreeing with him, then I asked him that shocked him so much, that he froze "when can I join you in the field?" Jaddreirth knew instantly what that meant, it meant to join him and the new warriors on a mission. He shook his head, then said "I'm sorry Alice, I can't. Even if your mates agree, you are the last of the royal line of the Royal House of the Golden Dragons of Zanatoo. I can't have another death on my conscious" once he saw my defeated look, he let out a long sigh and said annoyed "okay, okay. If and I mean IF, your mates agree to this. You must follow all my instructions to the point, where I step you step. If I tell you to stop, you stop. If I tell you to run, you run. Do I make myself clear?" He said the last bit with so much desperation, that I could only nod my head, at the pained look on his face. Then he said not looking at me "okay, class has finished for today. You have a couple of hours, to get ready for tonight" I opened my mouth to say something, but he put up his right palm up to me and then left the room, with a feeling of guilt eating up inside of me.

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