Chapter 64

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Liorn, looked at himself in the tall standing mirror, that stood by his bed, in his sleepy quarters for the time being, that looked like from a Georgian Townhouse.

He had been looking at himself in the tall standing mirror for 15minutes, to see if he could have a glimpse of who he truly was, to unearth his hidden memories. Maybe he was just a experiment, just a 'thing' like Frankenstein, of bits and bobs of unwanted things but he also couldn't help thinking of what Jaddreirth said, Jaddreirth's words still ringing in his ears and seemed to be engraved onto his brain "you are him, aren't you. His bloody younger brother, aren't you?" And then him saying that he was Drogdrannith's Uncle. But shortly he would of been told by Drogdrannith himself or know it deep down.

He quickly shook his head and then with a sigh he walked over to the desk and poured himself a glass of the finest Golden Dragons Of Zanatoo mead, it was very hard for a none Golden Dragon, to get there hands on the mead. That was one thing humans got right about Dragons, Dragons where greedy not for gold but for mead, it helped them relax and kept them strong in battle.

But when a handful of Zantoo's found out that he was there long awaited princess's mate/soulmate, they gladly gave him a beautiful crystal jug, the handle that of a dragon and the opening of the jug was the colour of blood, filled to the brim of the jug was the mead handmade by the Zanatoo's themselves. The mead was the colour of gold, with what looked like star dust sprinkled in, once poured it was like wine and smelled of summer.

The glass that came with the jug was also made of crystal and shone like diamonds in the evening sunset. He smacked his lips together and moaned at the summer taste, as it went down his throat. He put down the jug onto his desk as he turned the crystal glass in his right hand.

All of a sudden a thought came to him and he instantly regretted it as soon as it came into his head. The only person, that could see into the future that wasn't Mother Earth's Oracle was the 'Unspeakable One', she was said to be Drogdrannith's father's mistress. An ancient witch that had reigned in Drogdrannith's father's place after his death, before her capture, she was currently in prisoned in Skelside Fortress underground dungeons and only spoke in riddles to the annoyance of the guards. But he had a burning desire to know who or what he truly was, even if that he couldn't think of that at the moment. He looked at the grandfather clock that stood on the right side of the desk, the cream coloured curtains nearly disguising it from sight. It was 6pm, he still had an hour before the evening feast. So with that he left.


15minutes later, he found himself in the dungeons. He had just walked down the marble steps, where a long table sat in the middle of the large dim lit room, with 6 large prison cells and a separate door that lead to where the prison guards personal room was held. The door to the guards room opened and a bolding man, with medieval prison guard clothing, with a link of keys hanging from his belt on his right side and carrying a black plate full of food, walked out. The man looked shocked as he saw Liorn there, backed up a bit shocked then asked "oh, hello Liorn. I've never seen you down here before, is there anything I can help you with?" Before Liorn could answer, a sarcastic female voice answered "he sings and sings for what he wants, but the answer will always be the same" the guard sighed loudly, then said to Liorn "I guess you are here for her. Just to warn you, she doesn't always make sense and when she does it's always in rhyme" then he said whilst passing Liorn "if you want me, I'm going to be sitting at the top of the dungeon stairs, eating my dinner and have some quite time away from her, whilst I can . Good luck" with that he left Liorn with the 'Unspeakable One', alone.

Once Liorn made sure that no one was in the dungeon except for themselves, he walked over to the last prison cell on the right and asked "you are her, the one who sees the future?" 'Unspeakable One' cackled and then said "I am the other side of the coin, one who is nice is my twin, I am that of darkness. Both are what you seek, but I sing another verse" he made a oak chair in front of the cell and sat in it. He could still not see her, she was cloaked in darkness, no speck of light anywhere. Even though he had the power to see in the dark, the cells where bewitched by the ancient wizards of old, the reason being that there was other beings in the universe that could bewitch anyone who came near them, like sirens of old they liked eating flesh, no matter what they where. Liorn breathed out a long sigh and said "I wish to now who I am or even what I am. I don't care anymore, I need answers" there was a sound shuffling feet and then 'Unspeakable One's' voice that sounded right in front of him, on the other side of the bars, voice say "for the truth, a price you must pay. Not of gold nor of land, but a truth that I seek" he looked towards her voice and said whilst shrugging his shoulders "a simple answer, for a simple..........." Unspeakable One cackled so loudly as if it was the funniest joke she had ever heard, once she had composed herself she tutted and then said "you may think that it's simple, you may think that you have it. But only two know the answer: one is dead who was my lover, one is alive but is my enemy. Ask this of my enemy, for this is what I seek:

The Dragon and the Wolf sit on a long deserted hill.
One owns the mountains, the other the forest.
One holds the 'Haveriun seal', the other holds the 'Darkling stone'.
Both are made for destruction, but only one will bring the final end.

Unspeakable One giggled like a mad woman and then carried on

The 'Haveriun seal's' owner, so long has it been forgotten.
Like a long awaiting lover, craving to be reunited.
Stuck in time and space, weeping for it's owner.
But oh whoa is me, the owner has forgotten it, with also his memories.
An experiment craving.....

Unspeakable One stopped short as Liorn yelled "no, stop. Do not Speak anymore!!!"

But the Unspeakable One, only said still giggling like a mad woman "you asked and asked. But yet you know the truth" she then said softly "yes, you are Drogdrannith's Uncle. My lovers brother, even though something in you is telling you, who you truly are. You will never know the truth, until the 'Haveriun seal' is in your hands"

Liorn looked at the cell confused and said angrily "they are just riddles, you asked for a question, in return for my question. That doesn't even make sense"

He grabbed hold of the bars and yelled "I need an answer"

Unspeakable One sighed loudly and said "you asked for what you seek, you must ask this of Drogdrannith first, before your question can be answered" then silence was heard, Liorn knew that he would not have any more answers, until he did what she asked him to do. With a annoyed huff he left the dungeon, up the stairs to find Drogdrannith, with the guards voice saying behind him "the poor bugger, she has gotten to him too. Can't wait for tomorrow, when she gets shipped off to the Fallen Island"

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