Senate Cassius

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Senate Cassius, rubbed his hands in glee at the sight before him. He made a deal with the leader of the monstrous beings, those same monstrous beings that killed the olive merchant and his family.

An hour ago one of leader's men, brought Senate Cassius to an underground cave, a cave that was made by 'them' to store a powerful object. For gratitude of Senate Cassius finding the leaders mate, he was honoured to be gifted what he had always wanted, life eternal.

The cave was only small enough for 4 standing people, it's walls glittered with precious stones, in the middle of the cave was a small purple column with a black almost like a pulsing ball of some sort of energy, with golden sparks coming off it. He stepped forward drawn by greed towards the pulsing black ball, licking his lips, but was stopped when one the monstrous leaders soldiers, grabbed his right arm and said "human, don't forget. A heavy price will have to be paid for what you want. Once you take it, are you sure the consequences will out way your human greed" Senate Cassius smiled evilly and said "yes I am sure. After all, all leaders of the world would want this chance. If say differently, then...well....they are either stupid or lying" the guard let go of Senate Cassius's arm and let him step forward.

Once Senate Cassius touched the black pulsing ball, but as soon as he touched it, it instantly disappeared into dust, once it turned to dust onto the floor of the room, Senate Cassius turned a disapproving glance at the now smiling guard and yelled "WHAT ON GODS NAME HAPPENED?YOUR LEADER PROMISED ME ETERNAL LIFE" the guard clicked his tongue and said whilst sighing "you humans, sigh. Don't you realise, no matter what you do or how much you want it, you can never become immortal. Your race wasn't designed for that. You whine and groan of how life isn't fair, you are extremely stupid.
Immortality is a curse, it robs you of family, of loved ones.
You have to live every painful, agonising day, month, year, century until all you know and all you feel is agonising, stabbing, fiery pain.
The only way to stay even a tiny bit sane, is to become a mad, crazy flesh eater.
And you stand there, ha, complaining like a little spoiled brat, that you can't have what every mythical beings have eternal life.
Be grateful that you can find love, grow old with loved ones and finally have the beautiful, peaceful, welcoming arms of death and be laid in Mother Nature's embrace" but all Senate Cassius could do, was look at the fine dust on the ground heartbroken. After a while of staring at the dust that was once the black pulsing ball, an ancient voice echoed throughout the cave, saying "death and destruction shall be thy prince, for thy fruitless quest.
Darkness so thick and menacing shall first cover this hallowed grounds of old.
Fire from the sky shall cover thy planet, destroy thy homes and with it all life. Thou will be entombed, where thou lay, of Earth and fire and be but a entombed piece of history for many of the few, that survive this catastrophe" as soon as the voice came it instantly left, leaving Senate Cassius to look at the guard in horror and asked "how can this be, I on....only wanted to have eternal life. How can I stop the world from ending, please tell me how to do this?" The guard looked at the human with pity, he sighed and then said "there is one way, one last chance to protect your planet from your stupidity. But.....this will ask for a sacrifice, that I don't know if you would be ready to except" Senate Cassius swallowed hard and said "whatever it is, I can handle it" the guard raised an eyebrow and then asked "do you speak for all of Pompeii?" Senate Cassius looked at the guard confused and asked "what do you mean?" The guard looked at Senate Cassius and said "the only way for your planet to be saved is, to hold this future catastrophe in a time lapse. In human sense, it will be a visible barrier that will cover the whole of Pompeii and not affect the rest of the world. It will also stop 'the dragon' from braking free from his cage" Senate Cassius slumped against the small purple column that once held the black pulsing ball, he was ready to sacrifice himself for his stupidity, but........the citizens of Pompeii........for something no human could have....something that would destroy the whole entire planet because of his greed. Senate Cassius swallowed hard again, even after he swallowed it still felt like there was a very large boulder in his throat, with stinging tears in his eyes he nodded once, then twice and said in shocked voice "yes......the price will be paid. Tell me how I can help it's...." The guard said with disgust "human, you have done enough. We will sort it out, you have one week until 'it' happens, make sure to use your time wisely" and with that the guard left Senate Cassius to his anguish.

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