Chapter 102

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(All translators have been played around on fun translations)
Fuin na- coming.
An ha does ú- sleep, nor does ha meth.
Fuin na- coming.
Im nifred i future -o nin núr a kin, an im cannot dar- ha's coming.
Fuin na- coming.
Im tur- feel ha in i gwilith a in i trees, sui hain cower in nifred o ha.
Fuin na- coming.
Onlui i -iel -o i naur tur- extinguish hi fuin, but he does ú- know all a does ú- see all.
An ir fuin finallui calls, ha maybe too late.        

Darkness is coming.
For it does not sleep, nor does it end.
Darkness is coming.
I fear the future of my people and kin, for I cannot halt it's coming.
Darkness is coming.
I can feel it in the air and in the trees, as they cower in fear from it.
Darkness is coming.
Only the daughter of the fire can extinguish this darkness, but she does not know all and does not see all.
For when darkness finally calls, it maybe too late.

Alice's POV

Once the red dragon and myself left Drogdrannith's house, we came to cave, the same cave from my dream.

He let go of my arm and walked to empty shackles of where a man once stood then said as he threw them down in annoyance "my dear brother, never liked to stay still" as if realising I was still here he turned to me and said as if it was the most obvious thing "I except he has told you about the ancient right 'Ha right reza ha ones iani see'" I looked at him confused, at this he raised an eyebrow and said with a loud humming sound "a pity, I thought he would tell you by now. But I suppose, that is what my brother gets, when being enemies with the universe herself" he said as he walked down the stairs "do you know, when Drogdrannith was born, he did not have a name. He made a name for himself, but enough about that. You see his mothers lover, his father, betrayed her, sad really. He opened the 'doorway of the other world' for his own personal gain and in doing so brought myself and my brother to this universe. I...sigh...I was the lucky one, I escaped, but my brother was not so lucky. But there was a silver lining to this story. When her dear son was born, she loved him so much, that when she realised the only way to detain my brother was to trap him in the body of her only son Drogdrannith, she was so much in pain and weeped so much, she is even does that now. Hahaha, to think that Drogdrannith has always thought of hatred towards his mother, without knowing the truth. Umm now that is a beautiful sight to see" as if realising he had just gone off track from what he was suppose to say, he cleared his throat and said "the right of 'Ha right reza ha ones iani see'", is a ancient practice, far ancient than time itself. You see, this right....well it is quite painful. To unleash my brother from the depths of Drogdrannith's soul, his beloved one must be sacrificed, for him to be free once more" I swallowed hard and said "you monster" he smiled creepily at me and said whilst tutting "no, my dear girl. I am not the ancient monster that you speak of, it is my brother that holds that title. I suppose you could say.... I am my brothers stand in. To wipe out all races once and for all, the bones....." my eyes widened and finished off saying "Rivers of blood will cover all plants and dimensions, skeletons of humans and beings will litter the blood soaked planets" he raised an eyebrow and said intrigued "I see, you have walked through death and rebirth, with the same message" he clicked his tongue and said annoyed "well, I was hoping to give you to my dear brother to do the final touches. But it seems he isn't here, hmm that is a shame. Oh well, I better send you back then" I looked at him confused and asked "why are you sending me back?" He raised an eyebrow again and said "you do not question, what you should not know" with a click of his fingers he sent me back to Drogdrannith's home.

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