Chapter 91

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(All translations where found on a translator website called fun translations, I take no credit of this)

Iar wounds shall n- mended.
Iar pacts shall n- sown anew.
Forgiveness shall n- given. Iar foes shall become friends.
Siniath estel shall tul- alight once more.

But i future.... Baw er knows.
Ha maybe all an naught a unravel like a nordh -o cuil, na n- never n- stitched ad-.
But i na- an another sinnarn.
An i future na- a formidable a unknown lend, i comes an all.

In English:
Old wounds, shall be mended.
Old pacts, shall be sown anew.
Forgiveness shall be given.
Old foes, shall become friends.
New hope, shall come alight once more.

But the one knows.
It maybe all for naught and unravel like a cord of life, to be never be stitched again.
But that is for another tale.
For the future is a formidable and unknown journey, that comes for all.

Lord Finnonn

He breathed in the cold night air, it helped calm his senses. He and 3 thousand strong Elven warriors, stood on the deserted hill on top of Brean Down, looking at the sea, ready for battle, with the human secret service men standing in ancient battle armour of the Elven race. To the anger of Lord Agando's second in command, Nhamashal Xilzorwyn. He was the same warrior, that stood on that hill, so long ago with the human fisherman. Since that day, he thought the human race where: weak, senseless, deceiving cry babies. But Lord Agando had ordered Nhamashal, to help Lord Finnonn in this coming war.

It was nearly time for battle, the enemy would come crawling from the water and up the hill.
Intrigued Nhamashal, looked at the humans and was surprised by there posture next to him. They where doing quite well disguising there fear on there faces, whilst having the posture of a warrior ready for battle. Maybe the race of men, could be trusted once more and become brothers in battle, as they once where before the betrayal. A load hissing and spitting came from the sea, getting closer and closer whilst saying "meat, meat. So long, meat"
The ancient Elven line, stood with proud and fearless looks on there faces, ready for battle and if it was so, death. To someone else, they would think "why do they stand, to protect the human race? After all, they betrayed the Elven race so long ago" an Elven warrior would say in response "yes, they once betrayed us. Those wounds will be forever there, but just because a race betrays us once, we cannot let them die. We protect nature and the young, no matter the cost. If we die, then we die with honour in are hearts, which is more precious than any treasure"

Then they came......monstrous creatures, came up and over the hill like a swarm of locates. It was hard to describe the enemy, because they where once: Elven, human, golden dragon of Zanatoo and animals all mixed up and disfigured to a point where they had changed into the red dragons personal army, on four legs. Lord Finnonn said in Elven to ready the archers , as they sidestepped out from behind the Elven warriors with swords and shields "Húrin i arrows"(ready the arrows), there was a loud "slick" sound as the archers, as fast as lightning, put the arrows in there bows, then Lord Finnonn said before letting the arrows fly "Tonight, mín who are hi. Will never surrender na i fuin. If hi na- are anand, i so n- ha, an gurth na- just another lend." (Tonight, we who are here. Will never surrender to the darkness. If this is are time, then so be it, for death is just another journey). The warriors replied in unison "In rinn- are pact na- renewed a honour awaits." (In return are pact is renewed and honour awaits) Lord Finnonn said the last words that would seal there fates or make them victorious in this battle.....because there where more to follow "Naur"(fire). Rain of arrows fell upon the charging monstrous creatures of the red dragon. The archers, put away the bows and with a click wrist dance, they had there swords out and charged against the enemy with Lord Finnonn leading the way.

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