Chapter 81

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Ying and Yang
Push and pull
Dark and light
Right and wrong
Light cannot exist without darkness and darkness cannot exist without light
Both faces of the same coin
Existing, in the delicate balance of existence
For this is the truth of all things and it's curse

I looked out of my bedroom window at the bustling streets below: children running through the streets laughing with no care in the world, young lovers casting shy glances at each other as there where escorted by what I think where bodyguards, looking forward to what the future would bring. Not knowing that.......there future would be under lava and soot from the volcano.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Helen opened the door and walked into the room said with worried voice "Alice, please. You have been alone in your room for days. There is much to see in Pompeii, on such a beautiful day why not join me in shopping. I have never known what it's like to have a choice of what to wear or have enough money to buy anything grand. But since I'm free and I have my own mate, I don't know what to do with my first monthly wage from my mate. I need a bit of help" I gave her a small smile and said "okay, I will help you. But be warned, I'm not good when it comes to shopping" she smiled back and said cheekily "I knew that would do the job. Come on, let us try together" I could only laugh at this and with a bit of a light heart than I had, I followed Helen out of my room to go shopping.

We had been walking around Pompeii, for the last 20 minutes, when we came to the port. I sat down on a nearby Roman bench followed by Helen. I mustered up my courage and with a sad sigh I asked "Helen, what if I told you....that in a couple of days time. All that we see before us will be that of ruins and every living creature will be under soot and ash from the nearby volcano?" Helen had just brought a very ripe peach from the bag that we had just bought and had frozen before it got to her mouth when I asked this, she swallowed hard and said putting her right hand on my forehead and then to hers "I think the doctor needs to look at you again, I don't think that medicine that you where given has left your body yet. Although you haven't got a fever, let's get you home and tell him about it"
Two days had passed since that day, Helen had been on tiptoes around me and had given me worried looks as I tried to raine in my worries and what was soon to come about.

I was currently lying on my side, on Drogdrannith's bed, looking at the volcano with hate and sadness. I had finally found a place where I wanted to live the rest of my existence, where there was: no stalker, no technology, no worries about making sure that the rent was on time or even the hustle and bustle of the maddening city life. Yes I desperately missed my friends, the occasional mocha to wake me up in the mornings (and usually my breakfast) and definitely the health care of the 21st century.

I had fallen head over heals in love with Drogdrannith, okay he was scary at first, but since I came into his life everything changed. But I could still hear the voice of Fate in my head, as if from a long forgotten dream
"you will have a beautiful baby girl called Lucy, with your mates. She will be your little star.
You will have a peaceful, happy life until you're 31st birthday. Your death be unexpected, no ailment or disease will be your fate, but of murder" life has never gone to plan, I just hope that when the time does come that two things:
1) Both of mates and Lucy will be okay...without me.
2) When my time does come that I won't be killed by a friend or someone I hold dear, because that would be the cherry on the bloody top (note the sarcasm).

I breathed out a long sigh, to control my worries, not realising that the beginning of the end for Pompeii was just about to unfold.

Underneath Pompeii, in a room long forgotten by man, with ancient writings and runes covering the room and in the middle was a fiery pit that spat and hissed as if it was a living being. Three beings where suspended from the walls, bound by golden shackles around there wrists and ankles. These beings where none other than the keepers of the three seals, there once proud and majestic standing was now changed into that of a beggar.

The man with lightning hair coughed and then said in a mere whisper "you cannot do this...there is a reason why: Time, Fate and the Universe is a constant balance....Uhh cough cough...without it...." the black cloaked figure just scoffed and said whilst turning a glass ball in his right hand "yes I know. Why did you think I trapped you all here, for the fun of it" the purple haired woman, now with a soot in her hair and face that made her golden skin darken, spat "you cannot be serious, that....that..that THING CANNOT BE FREED. You cannot wipe out the race of man without wiping out all the other races altogether and I highly doubt 'he' will let you live let alone Drogdrannith for your so called 'servitude'. He is the most deranged of you all" the man in the cloak let out a loud long maddening laugh and said between laughs "you don't know do you...hahaha oh this priceless...... 'his' brother is the inhabitant of Drogdrannith, his true form. Oh this is rich....hahaha. Who did you think would have enough power to destroy that world completely where he first met his are all so stupid. So you don't have to worry about....well some of the mythical and magical creatures will be safe that will side with Drogdrannith in this world and the next. Oh I cannot wait for the fireworks" he then looked at the keepers and said in a sly voice "it's a shame you won't be able to attend his grand entrance, when Drogdrannith's true brother arrives on the scene. What a pity...hmm...oh well can't have everything" before he left the keeper with lightning hair said " will fail....Drogdrannith has his mate back again. Mates are what ties us to are place in the universe, makes us grounded and stops the madness even Drogdrannith's true form will open his eyes. Don't forget that. Cough...cough....cough" the cloaked figure looked at the man with a slight look of fear and alarm, but shook his head and left without a second glance, he left the room.
No one knew that the cloaked figure, was the Father of the cult that would one day be called 'The Followers of Doomsday'.

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