Chapter 76

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I was sitting in the library looking at the grey book in front of me. It had no name and no indication of what it was, as if someone had forgotten to right the cover.

I was pulled out of my thoughts, when an elderly gentleman with a long grey beard and purple robe sat next to me and said impressed "I see, 'The Grey' book has finally caught a readers attention. You must have a very interesting future, if it has picked you above all' I looked at him confused, he gave me a soft smile and said "I see, you must be human. Hmm interesting" I said "no I'm half human and half golden dragon of Zanatoo...well that is what I was told anyway...wait a minute, why did you say it was interesting that this book chose me, as if it has feelings and thoughts" he then looked at me and said in a story telling voice "for centuries, mankind has always thought that objects like for example books. Don't have thoughts and feelings, maybe not to humans. But to a mythical creature, they are a piece of ourselves a fragment of us that we have lost and books like this bring back what we have lost. But this book here that you have, is one of the books 'Of The Four', four books that bring with it....let's just say not the most pleasant of reads" intrigued now I was about to open it when he said warningly "a word of warning, it may haunt you to the day you die" I swallowed hard, it can't be as worse as the day of my death that I know already, thinking this I carefully opened the book to find, to my amazement, nothing there at all. But after awhile of searching, a blinding light appeared out of the book and quickly in golfed me.

My Mate From another world حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن