Alice's POV

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I breathed in the cool night air as myself and my friends where wrapped in blankets toasting marshmallows, on are own personal fire pit. Are mates where away on business.

As much as I loved having a bit of girl time, I did miss Drogdrannith dearly, with a bit of guilt and pain about Liorn.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Susan nudged me and said "Alice, if you cook it too much it will burn" I looked at my cooking marshmallow and sure enough it was slowly turning dark, I quickly pulled it too me, blew on it and ate it. Letting the sweetness of the sugary goodness relax me.

Tomorrow was going to a long day, it was my time to join the fight and because of this Drogdrannith had not talked to me since knowing. It angered me and pained me that he was doing this to me, with the last years I will have to be with him. My death weighed on my mind like a large elephant that would never go away, but left less anxious after talking to Jaddreirth about it, even the really bad headache after drinking too much alcohol was worth it.

Olive asked breaking the silence "what would you want to be if you didn't have this prophecy over your head Alice?" I gave her a small smile and said as I brought the blanket around me tighter as if it was a safety blanket "hmm, I think I would be someone who protects people, either a policewoman or a care giver. Somewhere in a beautiful forest by a glistening lake, where people can feel safe and secure without the worries of the outside world" I gave out a humourless laugh and said "but I am the last of the royal house of the dragons of Zanatoo and the ancestor of the great Phoenix herself, there can only be one path for me, no matter how much I want it to change" Heather gave me knowing look with sadness in it, I gave her a small smile in return.

Susan got up from her seat and looked at the clearing of the trees with fearful wide eyes, I turned to see the enemy, the disgusting creatures crawling on the ground flanking what was once Liorn and a strange new man that I could only think of as the red dragon, dressed in a dark red tunic and black boots, with red scales for skin and black straight long hair.

As they both kept walking towards me the dragon said with a loud hmm "hmm, well I dare say. I never thought my brothers mate would be a half-ling, a royal Zanatoo half-ling at that, Intriguing, very intriguing. You are quite beautiful my dear" I motioned my friends to leave, but they didn't they held there ground for that I was grateful and annoyed. I already knew my life wouldn't end here, I didn't want them to be harmed. My golden wings threw out of my back, wide and glorious, trying to shield my friends from the enemies glance. I glared at them whilst asking "what do you want?" His monstrous beings had stopped right in front of me snarling, this close up I could see one of the monsters, with what was once an Elven ear, now blackened and broken in half, as if it had been turned to charcoal.

The red dragon said tutting "that is no way to talk to a fellow Royal, even if I was the one that started the destruction clock against your species. No, um no. Iam not here to fight half-ling, on my word. After all you are my brothers mate and the mother of his children, I would not dare to harm you. But I need you to come with me, if you don't....well you don't want to know the consequences" I forced my wings to go back into my back and said "okay, I will come with you" Heather grabbed my arm and whispered so Olive and Susan wouldn't hear "are you sure about this, what if something happens to you?" I patted her hand gently and said sarcastically with a humourless voice "don't worry, after all I already know my death and this isn't it" I brushed her hand from my arm and fallowed the red dragon.

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