Zagthar's POV

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Zagthar, winced as loud annoyed screams and angry raws ripped through the cave. The cave was large and situated on a deserted island, but even though it was large, it couldn't house the twenty-two thousand strong of the creators monstrous army and also immortal, that is why they where buried underneath monuments or in pyramids or any structure that was hard to penetrate.

The creators army where angry and annoyed, because of two things:
1) They demanded to see there creator(it had been a week since there demands).
2) They where hungry for blood and war(which without the creators permission, couldn't go ahead).

Zagthar looked at Valraren, in the corner of his eye pleadingly, but Valrarenonly gave him the look of 'well you did say you could handle it' as he leaned back into the pillows and popped another red grape into his mouth.

Knowing he wouldn't get any help from Valraren, he breathed out a long sigh and then said in a loud voice so Drogdrannith's army could hear "brothers and sisters, please calm down. Are Lord and master will be here shortly, please wait a couple of more hours, I'm sure he will appear before you very soon" a Darkling scoffed, in his long orange tunic and red hair said "ha, you are just a piece of dirt, are creators second experiment. You have no authority, to say that to us, DIRT!!!!!" A chorus of agreements was heard throughout the cave, it felt like ages until a very known voice said loudly from the group "I see that my trusted companions can't bring order to my army without me there" Drogdrannith's army, parted to reveal Drogdrannith walking through the middle.

Drogdrannith was in his true, final form. He had:
Long black braided hair with serpents fangs hanging from the tips, so shiny that it reflected of the wall like some small diamonds.
Two large, purple dragon like ridges on either side of his forehead.
Eyes the colour of red wine.
Large black golden wings, with there claw like tips nearly touching the ceiling, his red spiked claws on his feet.
Ancient, almost tribal markings that looked like they where painted in sparkling red blood covered him from head to two and seemed to sparkle against the walls, with there unnatural colour.

The only covering he wore was a long golden tunic that covered his whole body and clung to him like a second skin.

The Darkling that scoffed at Zagthar, sneered at Drogdrannith and said "so, are wise ruler, decides to......." he didn't manage to finish his sentence before Drogdrannith grabbed hold of his head and snapped the Darkling's head clean off.
Usually a member of Drogdrannith's army would regenerate, but at the hands of there leader, there maker.....well that was a different thing altogether, once Drogdrannith killed you then you would be dead, with no chance of regeneration.

Drogdrannith sighed loudly as he walked up the natural stone steps and asked whilst brushing of the blood and flesh from his hands, as if just merely dust "does anyone else have a problem with me, no matter how small?" The was silence for a couple of minutes, but then a monster half bear half bull stepped out of the crowd and said uncertain in scratchy voice "my Lord and creator. Myself and many of my brothers and sisters have been wandering when we can devour the human race, one final time" the only females that where present where just a handful Havaniun, Dragon Fies and half dragon half griffin creatures called DragoCaws.
They where not experiments nor where Darkling's, because a Darkling sadly was always male, they where the creatures that hid in the darkness of the universe. They where once Drogdrannith's father's people, until Drogdrannith killed his farther and so because he was next in line, Drogdrannith's father's people followed him.

Drogdrannith smiled a sinister smile and said "yes, it is true. I did promise you all full rain on the humans, but I have got an even better idea. An idea, that I think you will find most agreeable" Drogdrannith's father's people looked at each other confused and with a flicker of unease, feeding off humans was there only source of nutrients and minerals to stay alive and be immortal, after all that is how most immortals only source of food.

Drogdrannith, paced the levelled smooth piece of the long rock that was more like a pavilion and said in a cheerful voice "you have always been cursed to wonder the universe and to become what humans call cannibals. But no longer, a human scientist has found a potion of sorts to cure you all" happiness and gratitude appeared on all of there faces, laughter, giggles and raws of triumph irrupted through out the cave, finally they could be normal without having the curse onto them, that made even the closest family members fear them. This was cut short, when a large DragoCaws, in human form asked with as much confidence in his voice as he could "so, what is are purpose then, if we are not wiping out the human race then?" Happiness and gratitude on all of the beings faces, quickly turned to confusion, with little mutterings.

Drogdrannith, smiled a sinister smile and said "don't worry the human race will have there time. But to answer your question, once you drink the humans potion, you will go to the human realm and plot there downfall.

There blood will soak the land and become flowers and trees, to bring once more, life and enrichment to the once dead lands.
There bones will become rocks, a formation of are new world, from mountains and hills, that where once destroyed by man, will once more flourish and become anew once more.

The time of the human race, has began to tick down against them, there clock of destruction has started. In its place is the start of a new dawn, for many of the dark beings and of my own creations, who have been too fearful of the human race, for what they have done to us. Are clock of beginnings is about to start and nothing and no one can stop it, not even the universe HERSELF!!!!!"

Raws of approval ripped through the air and so began the tick tock of the two clocks, one of destruction and the other of new beginnings.

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