Alice's POV

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Yep, it's official this is the most stupidest thing I have ever done in my entire life. I can't believe I'm actually doing this, but it has to be done. Mr Young had just come back from 'his trip' and was in his office sorting out paperwork.

I had heard by accident overheard, after coming back from training with Lord Finnonn, Drogdrannith talking about Mr Young being with the enemy and since then I was on a mission to spy on Mr Young, no matter how unsettling it maybe and by doing so.... I had to get close to him, to unearth what the enemies true purpose was, because Drogdrannith said that there was something more to the story than just destroying the human realm.

I knocked on the door, Mr Young without looking up from his work said "enter" and so I did. I opened the door to see a changed Mr Young, his hair was standing on ends as if he hadn't combed it or washed it for ages, his body was more muscular than usual so the tight fitting suit that he wore was beginning to split and when his eyes focused on me, I had to step back scared, his eyes where blood shot and gave me a maddening look. My mind was screaming 'get away from him' but I stayed to my course, I loved my people and Drogdrannith to much to fail them now, just had to rain in my fear of my stalker.....this is going to be a long week.

He shot up from his desk as he saw me standing there, as if I was a dream and said "Alice, my Alice. are here" he rushed over to me and hugged me tight against his chest, but quickly pulled away and then laughed saying whilst shaking his head and pointing wildly "yes, yes. I know why you are here. It's for the love of your 'people'" he spat it out as if it was a dirty word "and that, that 'thing'. You want my masters secrets, I wish I could tell you them, hmm. How I wish I could, but if I did my master would kill you, without a second thought. But I suppose in a way you all ready know him, don't you. After all he is the one who killed your parents and ripped away your childhood, on your birthday" I couldn't help but wince at this, when he saw that he grabbed my shoulders and said "but don't fear my love, I will give you a family of are own, it will be just the two of us and are little ones" I couldn't keep the anger at bay, I pushed his hands away from my shoulders and away from my body then said "how dare you, how dare you say that. I will never be with someone that is helping, my parents killer. You know and you are doing nothing. If you truly loved me, you would of done something about him by now" pain and regret flashed in his eyes, he breathed out a long sigh and turned to face the desk.

There was a loud rustling sound of papers, as I got my bearings right, then Mr Young turned to face me and said softly "here, here are the latest reports about the master. No one quite knows what's happening, but this is what I was able to find out" I said a quiet "thank you" and was about to leave when Mr Young asked "was there any hope of the future with both of us in it?" I looked at his questionable yearning eyes and said softly "I am sorry Mr Young, but no" he slowly nodded his head in defeat and said softly with pain in it "then all I can say is, live your life to the full Alice. Don't waste it on petty things and dreams that cannot be. I hope he treats you well" I gave him a small smile and then left.


I do not care for mortal things.
I do not care for gold nor pearls for my prize
But of dreams to become fulfilled.
But I know this cannot be.
For people die, kingdoms fall, love extinguished.
For in the world we come into and the world we leave.
Nothing is perfect.
Nor should it be.
For that is what life is, a lesson and that we all must attend.


Mr Young

He breathed out a long sigh as he stepped out of his penthouse suite, on to the little balcony, as he sipped at his Prosecco. He put the glass of Prosecco down on the nearby table and then put his arms on the railing of the balcony, he had lost everything that mattered to him in his life: his birth mothers life, his dreams for a better future and lastly.....his Alice the only thing in his life that felt real, not pretend like everyone in his life that he knew.

He was like his master, he was so focused on greed, he had forgotten how to act human, to see what was already in front of him...leaving. It was too late now, far too late to mend his stupid actions, but maybe just maybe the human race would have victory in the coming wars yet to come, even if that meant sacrificing his life for his Alice, he would do everything in his power to help her even though she would never look back at him again. With a heavy, painful heart, he had finally accepted defeat. He looked up at the full moon, with a sad smile and let the tears trickle down his cheeks, the first time he had ever properly cried and it felt so good to do so.

He promised to himself then and there, that he would do everything in his power to help his Alice even if that meant....sacrificing his life to redeem himself in her eyes.

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