Lord Skynor Curthe

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He breathed a long sigh as the moon came out, it looked beautiful reflecting off the water of the pond in front of him. It was his personal secret part, in his realm. Where nature and Elven beauty stood side by side. A large forest was to his back and on the other side of the pond was a statue of his mother Lady of the Moon, Gwynne Glynynore. Made of gold to represent her skin tone and black wavy hair.

There was a time where he and his mother would sit down on this same bench and talk for ages, whilst his farther laid down on the grass beside them, for a couple of precious moments being a family....but that soon changed by the hands of the humans. At the thought of those humans, he grabbed a rock from the ground and chucked it into the lake with anger.

After awhile of silence the statue of the Lady of the Moon, Gwynne Glynynore. Began to move and a wisp of smoke came from it and settled before him. It then changed into his mother, the wisp smiled sadly down at her child and said "you have forgotten me" Lord Skynor Curthe shot up from the bench and said frantically "no mother, I would never forget you" the wisp began to become more hollow and said as she walked towards him "my dear child. You have, for you have forgotten are ways and therefore you have forgotten me" he yelled angrily "HOW CAN I?HOW CAN I HOLD TO THE ELVEN WAYS, WHEN THOSE 'YOUNG' ARE THE REASON WHY YOU LEFT ME!!!" She stroked her sons cheek with both of her golden hands and said gently "it was my fate, to be lost at the humans hands. I had known my fate for a very long time, I could not change it. No being in the universe can change there fate, be that Elven or human alike. That is why my dear child, it is called fate" he stepped away and turned his back to her and asked "why didn't you tell me, I could of tried to do something. Nothing is set in stone, even you taught me that"  Lady of the Moon, Gwynne Glynynore voice cracked a bit in reply "my darling son, it was my choice and my choice alone to help the humans. After all we protect and look after the young, for they are the future, no matter who they are. I knew there would be a price to be paid in return...but...but I never thought it would turn you into this" he scoffed loudly and said as he turned to face his mother "humans, they ruin everything in there path. Do you know that they nearly destroyed are race, your precious little humans that made the mighty race of the Elven people nearly extinct. Believe me mother, they haven't given up there hope of eternal life" she breathed out a long sigh and said in a far away voice "my darling son, it pains me that I had to leave you and your farther to the madness that took me. But what I am most sad about and ashamed of...is that you have forgotten are ways, you have thrown them away like rubbish, I do pity you" he winced at this as he saw his mothers wisp disappear into the statue once more, he didn't need for her to say it, he knew what she spoke of. It meant that because he had lost the true meaning of the Elven race: to protect nature and the young without judging another race. Intern he had already lost what the Elven race held dear: his honour. In the distance he heard alone wolf crying, that matched Lord Skynor Curthe's soul.

With a heavy sigh Lord Skynor Curthe, looked back at his mothers statue, now with tears streaking down her golden face. He let out a annoyed yell and then said to himself "well played Lord Finnonn, well played" as if blaming him Lord Finnonn, for Lord Skynor Curthe's change of heart.

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