Chapter 93

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All evils start with an act.
A mistake or betrayal so monstrous, that the being can never be forgiven.
But there are some evils, that are born that way.

The red dragon

He felt a new presence that he had never felt for a very long time. Something inside him knew the presence of the being on the other side of his dark prison door.

There was a loud hissing sound as the door began to disintegrate before him and with it, his bounds. He rubbed his wrists and hands, whilst he waited for the smoke to fade to see his old and most trusted adviser.

He tutted at his advisor whilst shaking his head and walking towards him "I see you have come alone. I was excepting a grand welcoming party, with my 'dear brother' leading the way. Now pray-tell, where is 'he'?" His advisor bowed before him and said "I bring you both good news and bad news" the red dragon rolled his eyes and said annoyed "okay out with it, bad news first and then the good news" his advisor bowed again and said "your brothers host has teamed up with the betrayers, they have destroyed most of are forces" the red dragon scoffed and said as if it was no impotance "well it is easily mended. The only way my 'dear brother' would betray us a second time, this time more so, would be for one reason and one reason only: he has finally found his destined one. But that is not a problem.....once we kill his mate......I heard someone say that he has already lost her once to death, if he loses her again....well....there wont be any going back for him and my true brother will finally ripe his hosts body apart and role this universe, on his throne of blood and bones"

The advisor was horrified, because he shared the same mate with Drogdrannith, the red dragons brother. But he couldn't help but ask "why, do you let your brother rule in your stead?" The red dragon just smirked and said "I would of hoped that you, above anyone else would of done your homework on my brother" the advisor looked at him confused, realising his advisor was truely confused, he breathed out a long annoyed sigh and said "okay, I will give you the history lesson on my brother. You see he is not actually my brother, he is an ancient god of destruction and death. Before the universe, before 'the 5'. There was five gods, called:
The God of Life.
The God of heavenly fire
The God of Light.
The God of Magic
And lastly
The God of Death and Destruction.

You see, you cannot have life without death, this is the eternal law of the universe. Without death, the universe would be too full and one day brake apart at the seems" he chuckled to himself and then said "oh to think, that my brother. Is in a way a 'good guy'" he then cleared his throat and then continued the story whilst magically appearing on his body him clothes "my brother wanted his own domain. But the other gods said that he couldn't have a domain of his own, that it would unravel the things that are coming. If he made his own domain, then nothing else would flourish and what was written in stone would never happen. Hearing this the god of destruction and death felt betrayed by the other gods. His hate, betrayal and lust for his own domain changed into a beast of nightmares, a beasts hunger only made more frightening when the race of men came around. He is what the creatures in the darkness hunger for and that is what I will give them and the traitors will bow before him, in forgiveness"

He then let out a long sigh and said annoyed "but the prophecy, sigh. We will have to wait until my brother has lost his mate, before my brother can be rid of his shackles" he then turned to his shocked advisor with one his eyebrows raised, at the uncertain look on his face, ignored it and then said "come old friend, let us go. We have much to get ready for" and then they left the prison cell, to start the ancient clock of destruction, that may never end.

Life is a gift.
Tomorrow is uncertain.
Darkness is a definite.
For when the clock of destruction starts ticking against you.
These three things are what will come, to those who do not heed it's call.

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