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He breathed out a long sigh, as he knocked onto the door of the famous witches coven of old. That was said to be the first ever witches coven in history. It taken him a while to get to the Cotswolds, from New Zealand. He had transported himself back to the UK, but he couldn't just transport himself anywhere, not with the Hoplots searching for 'traitors'. Since he had to be very careful of his surroundings and not cause the Hoplots, any sign of warning. He made sure to go different routes and take human transport, to his distaste, the fumes from human transport where foul and made him feel violently sick to the point where he made a human man worry, when Valraren coughed up blood.

This coven had been in this stately home as far as the mythical world knew and let's just say Valraren and this coven in particular......well let's just say that the last time they had seen each other didn't go down that well, not when you send there leader in 1600's to his grave. But he had no choice, this coven held the power to bind the red dragon and stop the portal from opening.

After awhile, the door opened and butler stood there. This was no ordinary butler, but the current leader of the coven's familiar, with bolding head, shocking blue eyes and looked like he was in his early 40's. The butler asked with his right eyebrow raised "may I help you sir?" He looked at the butler square in the eyes and said "yes, I am here to see your leader. It extremely urgent" the butler without a word began to shut the door on him, but stopped when Valraren said "all seals are together, it's already starting. The only thing left is the 'Haveriun seal' and he will be awaken again, with the darkness of the universe by his side. You know as well as I do what that means. Even if you don't trust mankind or even hate them, think about you and your coven's family. Not only will he destroy mankind but everything under the universe herself's domain, including the mythical world" the was dead silence and then a woman's voice asking as the door began to open once more "really, know why would a Darkling, like yourself care about anyone else but your self. After all your the reason why Samuel Evermore lost his life" Valraren signed sadly and said "I know this doesn't make up for what I did. But living a life without your destined one, I couldn't think clearly, the madness was eating me from the inside out. I regret my part in the death of Samuel Evermore. But I have met my mate and what I used to be is no more. But if you want my life for your revenge I will gladly give it to you in exchange for your help" the door opened to see a 40 year old woman, with blonde long curly hair, brown eyes and a purple cloak with a logo of a evergreen tree, with the all seeing eye down at the base and the immortal cup at the top of the tree. The woman smiled at him and said "you are forgiven. Anyway who am I to challenge the universe herself, when she has given the rarest gift a mythical and magical creature could ever hope to have" Valraren said bowing "I humbly thank the ancestor of Samuel...." The women rolled her eyes heavenward and said in a business tone "Darkling, there is no time for that. We have more pressing matters to attend, but if you insist. Please, call me Lucy" and with that started the beginning of a pact that would either destroy the universe herself or save her.

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