Chapter 57

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Liorn laid Alice in the Heart Flower, still in the clothes of what she wore at the nightclub.
The room that had The Heart Flower, was a room blooming with Roses, Lavender, Poppies, Tulips and many other beautiful flowers, too many to name covered the floor and the walls of the room whilst a very large purple petal closed that looked like it was sprinkled with stars. To the human eye, The Heart Flower was just a very large petal that someone had experimented on and had accidentally left it for too long. But for the shifter and many magical creatures of the universe, it was the last remaining gift from the universe to her favourite and only daughter Mother Nature/Mother Earth on her crowning day and was given to the 'The Watchers Of The Other World' to protect it from evil intentions.

The Heart Flower was a healing instrument, healed every wound, ever disfigurement, disease or virus, heal forgetfulness, let the being have more stamina, also can bring people back from the dead(as long as only seconds of death) but like all things that are made from nature it can also have its downfalls, which could be that the petal could finally crumble away or zap the being inside. But Liorn, didn't care he wanted to at least try and save her, because transportation with a mixture of: nervousness, having pills in the system and whilst being drunk was never a good idea could lead to death or 'The BodySleep' since the human body was completely different to shifters, mythical creatures, magical creatures and also Darkling's as well. The human body would be in a comatose state, with a very low chance of survival rate of 30% chance, that was why unless necessary, humans could not use it with other things in there system.
But at that moment, all reasonable thoughts where out of the window, he couldn't think what would would happen if she was gone forever and not come back to him ever again.
He was not born like the other Darkling's, nor was he a: shifter, a mythical creature, magical creature or even human. He was and will be forever more be a 'thing', something made out of bits and pieces, from all creatures of the universe, an experiment that never should of existed in the first place.
If he lost his one chance of the only light in his long dark and painful existence, then his madness would finally break free and be more deadly than Drogdrannith.

Once he laid Alice into The Heart Flower, on a bed of green moss and a pillow of the softest silk, he knead down onto the floor and looked up at the mosaic of the universe. He pleaded as the petal began to slowly enclose his beautiful mate, to start the healing process "Universe and mother of all, please I beseech you. I know I'm just a 'thing' not worthy of your blessing, just a grotesque being, an experiment that should never have existed in the first place. But I beg of you to bring back my beautiful mate, a mate that I never thought I deserved, let alone be one of the very few to even have a mate".

As soon as he said this, a sense of calm came out of no where and then a clear calming voice say "Liorn, I have heard your plea for my help. But I must warn you that the price of life, is not given so freely. To change a life's direction, is to change there story, a story that may bring you pain in the future, I must ask you are you ready for what awaits you?" He looked at The Heart Flower, where his beautiful mate now lay, spent of all energy and near the brink of death once more. He had encountered pain since his beginning, it was always there constant, he had been: burned to death to only come back in agony, been thrown poisonous arrows that eaten him inside out, had limbs cut off and many other agonising painful moments, that he dared not remember.
Making up his mind he looked at the mosaic and said "yes, I'm willing to face the pain that awaits me. Pain is nothing new to me, it's as natural as breathing. Without my Alice....huh, I don't know what I will do"

The Universe asked softly "are you sure of the consequences of changing a beings life story, it's lifespan once tampered with can never be altered again?" Liorn closed his eyes and said whilst opening them "yes, I am positive" the Universe breathed out a long breath and said "very well, Liorn. I will grant you this chance, I hope my son will forgive you one day" Liorn looked up at the ceiling and asked confused "what do you mean?" But the room had turned dead quiet, the Universe gone from the room, leaving Liorn a sense of dread creeping up on him.

But he didn't have time to worry about it, because as soon as a moan came from The Heart Flower, all thoughts of the price he had to pay for his mate coming back.

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