Chapter 72

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The dark being that was once in Liorn, wiped his blooded hands with a scrap of the elders torn cloak and chucked it on the wooden bench, as if it was just a napkin. He tutted at the blood soak columns as if he hadn't just been the one who did it.

Then he walked a couple of miles until he came to a mosaic picture of wolf, that was once on the floor of a majestic house. He bent down and touched the mosaics wolfs nose, once he did that, the floor where the mosaic was, fell away and a spiral staircase appeared, once it appeared the dark being slowly descended into the darkness below.

The staircase was made out of cool, crisp white stone, that curved down the dark hole like a snake, that didn't seem to have an end.

Once he got to the bottom of the spiral staircase, torches that sat in there holders on the walls instantly lit up to reveal a single white birdbath. To the human eye it was just a birdbath but to a mythical creature it was the 'All Seeing Waters Of The Prophecy". No one knew where the waters came from, who made the birdbath or even who the mans voice that came from the crisp, clear blue waters of the birdbath. But one thing was true, whoever asks the waters a question no matter what it is will always answer as if reading from a prophecy, hence it's name. But with all things in the universe, a price must be paid, it doesn't ask for it, after the question has been asked, but it will take it back later in life.

The Dark being inside Liorn, walked over to it with a smile on his face, as if greeting an old friend. Once he was standing in front of it he asked it in rhyme "two members of the same blood, stand on a deserted hill. Looking down upon the beautiful ruin, of mankind. One of the ancient line, the second an ancient evil. In its place begins a new dawn. But only one must win whilst the other must die. Who holds the key to the future, whilst the other holds the key to its end?" As soon as he had said this, the waters began to bubble and steam began to erupt from the birdbath, as if it was connected to some sort of invisible heat. The waters quickly stopped and a purple mist appeared in the middle of the birdbath, a voice that sounded like coming from an ancient old man, from the purple mist said "two darkness's cannot exist together, a light must come to separate both. A light so pure, that darkness will be forever distinguished. But I who sees the future of all things, from its beginning and it's end, sadly cannot for see the outcome of this tale. But I must warn you, my love the Phoenix, her descendent will die for this price that you shall answer for this question. Her line will finish indefinitely...until a new Phoenix appears, to right the wrongs of your crimes and bring two worlds together"

He looked at the birdbath confused and asked "who do you speak of and how do I get my powers back, I lost them as soon as Drogdrannith changed me and chucked me into this useless thing?"

The waters spoke again "to find your lost powers, to awaken the seal inside. You must take a journey to a time, a time where it does not sleep and does not eat, but relapse the same day over and over again. To bring back your powers and awaken your seal, you must bring your mate back to me, only then will you be able to travel there. For your first question, I must warn you once more: life and death are what fate deals us each passing year, but love of are own true mate, keeps us from losing are way. For those who which immortality is a curse, being in the arms of your one true mate is a blessing. I cannot tell you who her name is nor of what she looks like. But for one thing I know for sure, you will be forever lost without her. Now let me sleep and think of better things"

He looked at the still surface of the birdbath still confused with the last words of the waters still ringing in his ears "But for one thing I know for sure, you will be forever lost without her". His brother had just said those same words to him, only a couple of hours ago. With a reluctant heart, he turned back into his shell and transported himself back to his long awaiting mate.

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