Alice's POV

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I shivered as the temperature began to plummet, as we began to walk down the spiral staircase, that was behind a statue of Medusa. It felt like ages walking down the spiral staircase with Senate Cassius behind the wild man, the deeper we went the colder it was, as if we where venturing into the Artic.
A scared whimper from Helen, pulled me back to the present, her wide eyes looking around the darkness, only lit up by torches. I squeezed her hand in reassurance, which made her relax a bit.

When we finally got to the bottom of the staircase, to monstrous statues guarded a golden black door.
The monstrous statue on the right, had the body of a leopard and the head of a gorgon. Whilst the statue on the left, had the body of a dragon and the head of a wolf.

The wild man looked back at me with reassurance that everything would be okay and then slowly opened the door to reveal a dark prison like room. Golden chains hung from the ceiling and in those same chains was a scary handsome man attached to them. A man in a cloak, that stood next to the chained man, that covered even his head, turned to face us and said to Senate Cassius "don't worry my lord, he is well restrained. I have put many important symbols and diagrams on his body" Senate Cassius made a humming sound, then turned to face Helen intrigued and then said whilst looking at the prisoner "I have heard that you haven't eaten lately, after the last pris..." I interrupted him shouting "no, you promised that Helen would be safe". A sly smile appeared on his face and he said whilst tutting "young girl, I would gladly let these 'things', these 'monsters' distinguish the whole race of mankind. For just a sip of immortality" I looked at him disgusted and asked "why, why does something that might never happen, out weigh the cost of the whole human race?" He said with a far away look "I have seen what a mortals life can do, the hardships and the struggles. The never ending anguish of losing loved ones, never knowing when or how you die. Only knowing that......the day will come, when you are buried and forgotten. With only a stone of your birth, your death and how you died" then he turned to face me said with a raised eyebrow "so you see, even if I can't have what I want, even if I trade the race of mankind. Hmm, it will be a price I will be more than willing to pay" Senate Cassius, was about to grab Helen and drag her to the chained man. When all of a sudden the chained man began to sniff the air, he made a loud groan of pain, then his head shot towards me as if just realising I was in the room and began to push and pull against his chains. At this Senate Cassius looked between the chained man and me, then an intriguing look appeared on his face, with something darker that I couldn't place. Senate Cassius said as he walked over to the chained man "remember I hold the key to your freedom, with one word I also have the power to destroy your m...." He didn't have time to finish his speech, when the chains turned to dust and he was now in the grip of the chained man. The chained man had Senate Cassius by the throat, with now extremely sharp claws that looked more like talons than anything else and said "I have already told you where you an find the power of the ancients, it is you who needs to know how it works. You have forgotten your place human, your kind only thinks of greed, be that: land, wealth or immortality. You are but insects underneath my feet, worthless and disposable. Those meagre human runes, are just paint. The only reason why I didn't brake out of the those weak, trash products, is because I didn't want to damage your pride" all Senate Cassius asked from his swollen throat, even as the life was slowly taken from him "but immortality, I want immortality. Can it give me my hearts desires?" The man let Senate Cassius go with a sneer and said "yes, it can give you immortality. But at a cost. For everything given, a price must be paid, for that is the will of my so called 'mother' the universe herself" and without another word the man let go Senate Cassius's throat, as Senate Cassius dropped to the ground the man walked towards me and as he did so he began to change into something  completely different, once the change had finished he looked like: he was in his late 30's, with long black braided hair with a small crown made out of skeletons on his head. He wore only a soft fur like trousers and a black red fur rug thrown over his shoulders, his body was the colour of bronze with scars marrying his large, muscular body. His black golden wings where out wide, with there claw like tips nearly touching the ceiling, his red spiked claws on his feet and fingers.

Helen began to sob next to me, tugging at my right arm, begging for us to leave now. But for some reason, even though the man looked extremely scary, I didn't want to run away. I wanted to wrapped in his arms, his golden wings hugging me from the cold air safe and......I shook my head at the stupid thought. I couldn't be thinking those types of thoughts now of all times, what is wrong with me.

I was brought to the present when Helen said scared "Mistress, please let's go before he gets to us. Please Mistress" but it was too late, the monster of a man was now in breathing distance. I swallowed hard, as I looked up at him with a nervous gaze. He gave me a reassuring, sad smile and then said "do not worry my beautiful mate, you nor your friend will be harmed. I have searched the universe for my destined one and finally you have appeared. Also I don't think my favourite warrior, will be too happy with me if I kill his destined one either" he then motioned for me and Helen to follow him, through a small black doorway and so myself and Helen followed him to what awaited for us.

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