Helen's POV

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I sat down nervously onto a Roman bed, next to my mis....I mean Alice.
I had been born and grew up as a slave. I had many masters throughout my life, that had beaten me until I bled or nearly starved to death due to one reason or another.
But my life had changed when Stigandr, saved me from the streets and when mis.....Alice came into the picture, I couldn't be more happy for my master, after years of unhappiness. Master didn't show it, but I could tell that he wanted a family of his very own, to share it with. Alice was a beacon of hope for my master and I had the honour of me being her friend, but I still couldn't stop myself from calling her mistress, even though I could always see the sadness in her eyes once I said this.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Alice asked whilst trying to control her nervousness "what is going to happen to Helen?" I looked at Alice shocked, I had never in all my years of living heard someone ask about my welfare, at the risk of themselves. The monster said whilst poring a glass of wine "like I told you my beautiful mate. She will not be harmed. She is the destined one of my favourite warrior. Talking about him, here he is" we all turned to face a gladiator with old sword scars and burns littering his muscular chest and a sword cut over his right eye, that made his inhuman snake eyes stand out more than ever, behind a Roman helmet. He had a small beard underneath his Roman nose and long braided hair underneath his helmet at the back which was spiked all the way up and down his hair. But what me stare a bit longer, was the ancient strange tattoos on his chest, that I couldn't place what they where.

The monster said whilst clearing his throat annoyed "Have-Na-Ock, is from a distant long forgotten race. He is but a handful of his people, that can control the madness by fighting, in the humans arena. Like the rest of the beings that live in the universe, after a while of living without there mate, the first stage before the madness, is devaluing the flesh of any species that they come across. But you don't have to worry, because once a being finds his destined one, that stage leaves altogether" he said the last bit with his eyes on me. I was too nervous that I spluttered out "no, I cannot leave my miss....Alice" Alice squeezed my hand in reassurance and asked "but Helen, don't you want to be a freed?" I looked down and said whilst staring at the mosaic floor "I did once. When my previous masters would try to starve me or even whip me until I bleed. I hungered for it" I then turned to face Alice and said "but now, now I want to stay by your side forever. You are like a sister I never had, I can't bare to leave you" Alice gave me a small smile and said gently "you can still have your freedom and be my friend too" I looked up at her confused and asked "but miss...I mean Alice, what am I going to do instead. All my life, I have only known one thing and that is being a servant to a master, when I am finally free, what do I do then?" Alice smiled gently to me and said "we can find that out together. You and I" at this I breathed out a relaxed sigh, for the first time since we entered I felt comfortable. Not knowing that are drinks had a sleeping potion.

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