Lord Finnonn

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He stood by an open arch window overlooking the training grounds of 'The House Of The Fallen Tree', with a heavy heart. So many questions echoed in his head, that would probably not be answered for a very long time: Was he right to give the race of mankind aid once more, at the risk of his Elven people? Or would the tide go against them, like it did with Lady of the Moon, Gwynne Glynynore and Lord of the Stars and the very first Elven, Jandar Liajyre and destroy a happiness before it grew fruit? Would the race of man that was still living on Earth, pull away in disgust?

He felt the wizards presence before he heard his footsteps and then wizard asked "so does Lord Finnonn regret his decision?" Lord Finnonn turned to face Gregory with a tired, worn out face and said "maybe I have grown too old in this life, that I dream of things that cannot be" he then asked Gregory "do you think I'm too thoughtless, to hope for soulmates for my people and myself, whilst at the same time...sigh..possibly leading them too there deaths" Gregory raised an eyebrow at him and asked "the wisest of the Elven lords asks for my opinion?" Lord Finnonn gave him a warning look as if not to trifle with him. At this Gregory, let out along sigh and said in a soft tone of voice "no my Lord Finnonn, you are not thoughtless. You are strong and wise, wisest than any being that I have had the pleasure of knowing. You seek what all beings crave for, until the ending of the light, a life-mate. Even if that means opening your world to mankind and maybe jumping too quickly, to come to there aid" but then he said in a serious voice "but before long, Lord Finnonn. There is a darkness coming, not just to the Elven race. Opening your world to the humans is just a little worry, compared to the darkness that is coming. 'The Watchers Of The Other World', have already gone to war and won there first battle against the prisoned dragons followers, but at a very high price. There will be more to come. The war of the universe has already started, if you wish to save mankind, you must do so quickly and help open the doorway for are saviour, before all is lost"

Lord Finnonn slowly nodded at this and then said "I will help open the portal. The other lords will meet up with us soon. I just hope I will not regret my actions and prove Lord Skynor Curthe right in the future" and with that he got ready to open the portal.

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