At the portal

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Lord Finnonn dressed in his silver armour and his silver jewellery that crossed his forehead. Stood with his palms up and chanting an ancient magic chant to open the door with his fellow Elven lords and some of the witches of 'The Watchers Of The Other World' around the portal.

The portal not liking being trying to be unlocked, began to hiss and spit out fire at the beings that dared to break the door, but they kept chanting. After what felt like ages, the portal stopped spitting and hissing fire. Instead it began to look like glass and that glass began to look like it was being hit by some unknown force, by the the hits on it.

Sooner or later it will crack and Alice would be able to be free once more.....

Alice's POV
The destruction of Pompeii

Screams and cries echoed throughout Pompeii, as black ash and dust came raining down. Buildings tumbled to the ground, people falling down to the ground dead around me from the fumes of the volcano.

This was like running into one of my dreams, one of my nightmares, but actually living it. Myself and Helen had clothes over are mouths like masks, whilst trying to find are mates in the darkness.

When if all of a sudden I saw Drogdrannith running towards us fallowed by Helen's mate too. When they got to us, they picked us both up in there arms and ran head on, as if knowing something we didn't and sure enough a water like portal appeared by a deserted street and we all went though it.

Alice's POV
   Back to present day

Drogdrannith helped me down and turned to face, what I would only describe as a very handsome take on a middle aged Elrond from Lord of the rings in silver armour and a jewellery over his forehead.

He bowed low with his hand over his heart and then said in a strong but warm voice "greetings, my lady. It is an honour to meet you" before I could reply, Drogdrannith looked at the Elven lord unsettled and then at the rest of the Elven lords asked "why does the Elven lords come to the human realm?" Lord Skynor Curthe stepped forward, bowed with his hand of his heart asked confused "Drogdrannith does not know?" Drogdrannith turned to face Lord Skynor Curthe and said annoyed "Lord Skynor Curthe, I have not the patience for your riddles" Lord Skynor Curthe just shrugged his shoulders and said "well if you honestly don't know, then I will enlighten you.." he looked at Drogdrannith square in the eyes and without blinking said "the war that was foretold so many years ago, is finally coming to fruition. The red dragon followers have begun to rise up and destroy the delicate balance of existence. Most of your people have joined them also.
'The Watchers Of The Other World', have already fought against them and won, but at a very heavy price. This is only the start, more will follow.
Will you join the red dragon or will you join us and destroy them once and for all. They won't stop coming, until there is nothing in the universe, but empty and deserted realms" Drogdrannith looked down at me, with love and longing but with a hint of regret in his eyes. He then turned to face Lord Skynor Curthe and said "yes, I will join you. But I need to speak to my Alice first, before we start planning"

Helen gave me a small smile, as she passed by me, being escorted to a grand red tent to my left by her mate, that I didn't realise was there, when Drogdrannith cleared his throat and said "Alice, there is something that I need to tell you about. Something I never thought I would say to anyone, or let them come out of my mouth" I turned to face him intrigued now. I was shocked by the look on his face, I had never seen him trying to think of words to say before, but here he was looking up at the sky, as if he could seek them from the sky itself. After what felt like ages, he breathed out a long sigh and said "after my mother threw me out of my cradle, I walked through deserted planets, poisonous rivers and lakes. Bitten and clawed by the most deadliest of beings.
Until I found out that I had a being inside of me and that I was not alone. It too, was unwanted and unloved. But instead of like me being free, it was forever imprisoned inside me, by my so called 'mother'. Apparently she thought, that I would tame 'it', but we had a brothers bond since birth, even I didn't know this. The being inside told me of his brother, a being always mistaken to be the bad guy in ever story. But at that time, I didn't realise, how true my mother was of trapping the being inside me, until late on in my existence.
After awhile we came to a land where we finally met up with his brother, the red dragon. I admired his ferociousness, bloodthirsty, cannibalism nature, that matched my own. He was not imprisoned like his brother, so he was free to rain evil onto: realms, lands and universes to his heart content.
Until one day, his freedom was cut short by  'the 5'. They imprisoned him in the depths of the planet Earth, with ancient markings, spells and traps. At that time I swore to unleash him once more..but......." He looked at me lovingly "then you came into my life..ha..twice. And brought with it happiness, love, laughter and warmth that I never thought existence. Even the being inside me, has decided to go against his brother and make sure he will never see the light again" then he walked to me and held my face in my hands and said pleadingly "just promise me, that you will stay safe and alive. I don't know what I would do, if you where gone again. You are the only thing that keeps the darkness at bay" I gave him a small smile and said "I can't promise you that, but I will promise you that I will try my best to stay by your side" at that moment, I hopped against hope, that he would believe the lie I told him, it even felt hollow on my lips. In that moment I knew deep down, that I couldn't promise him anything and that my fate was already ticking against me.

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