Chapter 92

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The Phoenix flew over the battlefield of death.
Her words of wisdom, courage and hope, covered the land with her wings.
Her cries of hardships that would lay ahead, for the keepers of the balance, where heard.
But no warrior, nor mortal man hid from her cries.
For her cries brought a saving grace, a hope to be full filled.
For the time will come, where they will have to live without her watchful eye.
But in return, they shall have, there final hope full filled.

The ancient prophecy of the ancestor of the Phoenix, Alice

Jaddreirth's POV

He winced as the healer, made his dislocated right arm back in its socket. On the battlefield, he was pushed against the unseen barrier by the enemy, so the humans couldn't see the fight, with so much force that his arm was dislocated. But he couldn't complain too much, 5 of his men had fallen in the battle, 3 from the witches side, 6 men and one Elven.

The healer, patted his good arm and then left, after making sure to tell Jaddreirth to take the medicine, every 3 hours like clockwork, because of his wings. As soon as the healer left, Lord Finnonn stepped into his tent and walked over to him with an uncertain look on his face. Jaddreirth sighed loudly and asked annoyed "okay, what has happened now?" Lord Finnonn sat down on the seat opposite him and said "the prison of the red dragon has been found" cold dread creeped up on him, he shuddered in horror. After awhile, of it settling down , he looked at Lord Finnonn and asked "are you sure?" Lord Finnonn only nodded his head.
Jaddreirth got up from his seat and walked towards the opening of his tent and looked at his people, his people that relied on him and trusted him. Jaddreirth said whilst looking over at his people "you are the wisest of all creations under the universe. What do I do, where do I go from here? If there is only an inclination of hope for my people, where do I find it? The armies are getting smaller, I don't know if my people can hold out for a third, forth or even fifth war. And when he finally is free.." he looked at Lord Finnonn and asked "what do I do then, without the race of man's help, to at least have a better chance of survival...for all of us?" Lord Finnonn gave him a sympathetic look and said "do not doubt the race of men yet. They may yet surprise you. Nothing is ever set in stone, there is yet time" then he said that brought a bit of happiness and hope back into his life "word has spread, that Alice has appeared once more. Alive and very much looked after, she is outside your tent, as I speak".

Alice's POV

As I stepped through the barrier, on brean down. I found myself, looking at hundreds of red tents with black panthers embroidered on them and with it thousands of warriors and also families looking at myself and Drogdrannith with hope and fear.

To my right, a tents flap, was pulled aside and Lord Finnonn stepped out of it, then bowed to me and said "greetings my lady, it is an honour to meet you again" I smiled kindly to him and was about to greet him back, when Jaddreirth came rushing out of the tent to see me. He stopped dead as he saw Drogdrannith beside me, he gritted his, breathed out an angry sigh and then said in a calm voice as he possibly could "welcome Drogdrannith and Alice. Please come into my tent, we have a lot to talk about" so we entered the tent with Lord Finnonn behind us. Once we stepped into the tent, Jaddreirth motioned towards a table with a map on, with dark and red patches on it. Lord Finnonn said in a serious tone of voice as he motioned to the map before us "the dark patches are the enemy and the red patches are us, as you can see we are currently winning this war. But at a heavy price, this is the second war with the enemy and are warriors have already fallen in battle" Jaddreirth picked up the talk "everyday, 'they' come. With every victory they come, they won't stop until there master is finally free from his prison.....but....sigh...that will be sooner rather than later. 'They' have already found the prison and will only be a matter of time before the humans will be forced into this war, without there consent. We have already done what we can to hide the murders that have been done by 'them'. But we cannot hide it for long, the human race may not be ready, but from now on, they won't have a choice in the matter" I looked at Drogdrannith's stone cold face and then Jaddreirth say something that I never thought I would hear in my entire life "Drogdrannith, if you are with us. We need your help in this war, without one will stand a chance against 'him', not even your mate" Drogdrannith without a second thought said "you shall have it" I kissed Drogdrannith's cheek lovingly, he turned to face me and smiled lovingly down at me.

He squeezed my hand gently and then said before leaving "I am sure, Alice and Jaddreirth have a lot of catching up to do. I shall leave you both, whilst I rally my trusted forces for the fight that is to come" Jaddreirth gave him a stern nod. Once Drogdrannith and lord Finnonn had left the tent, he slumped back into his chair, whilst putting one of his hands through his hair, let out a humourless laugh and said "by the universe, I never thought I would see the day. When I had to ask Drogdrannith for help" then realising I was still there, he took out his hand from his hair and said in a faraway voice "I never thought I would risk my nieces child's happiness for this war" I gave him a small smile and sat down in the nearby chair next to him and said "my mother would understand, no one thought this war would come to pass, but it did. We can't change fates hand, no matter how bad we try" he smiled at me sadly and said "with each wise word you say, you are so much like your mother. You know, she would be so proud of you" he then bended down next to him and picked up a tired notebook and said "A couple of weeks ago, I found your old house, before you where sent to the agency as a child. In the rubble of the house, I came across a notebook, your mothers notebook. It's a bit 'bruised', but you can still see the words that where written down" he handed me the notebook, I gently opened it and by chance I came to the last entry:

23rd June

Today is are little one's birthday. I still think my parents will be flying down, to meet her and enjoy Alice's birthday.....but I keep telling myself that they will never be there again. They have gone to be with my ancestor the Phoenix herself.

But it still aches.

There have been rumours, dark rumours. But I can't think about that now, but at the same time, I know that we will have to face them together in the future.

I can't tell my husband yet, only I know. I haven't told anyone else, I made the promise. But it kills me must not think of the future, the future can wait. Alice is calling for me, I must go now. Oh by the universe, I hope she never knows.

I looked at Jaddreirth confused and asked "what does she mean?" Jaddreirth sighed then said "no one knows, it's not about the red dragon or Drogdrannith or the end of the world that may come. I think that is something that you will have to find out for yourself" his eyes then widened with an idea, he went to a small medicine cupboard and pulled out a single red container of liquid. He shook it a bit and then muttered to himself "hmm, there should be enough in here for one travel" he turned to face me and asked "Alice do you wish to see what your mother was talking about?" I nodded eagerly "yes I do, if it is to do with me or even my daughter I wish to now" without another word he gave me container of liquid and I drank it in one gulp. I quickly felt like I was going to pass out, then blacked out. Once I had blacked out, I came too, to find myself in a golden cave, with light coming from the moon coming from the large crack in the ceiling.

On the ground was a large oak tree(representing the tree of life) in the middle of the room, that nearly touched the roof of the cave. Two objects where placed on either side of the tree, one had an Elven sword, the other a human tool for digging. Below them, between the two, sat a black panther, it's eyes glistening in the moonlight.

Then all of a sudden the tree, by some unknown force of power, burst into flames, it bent the tool and the sword. As the fire was going, slowly but surly, a vision appeared of a beating heart with a dagger through the middle with a laughing skull face appearing on top of it. The black panther walked towards me, not bothered by the flames, or the fire getting closer to it, began to say "beware of the sword and of the tool, one day a being will come from a distant universe, to rip away the the happiness of the race of man and that of all mythical and magical creatures underneath the universe's control. The land will burn for 20 days and 20 nights, until a unlikely saviour will come. For the dark being that I speak of is already here, waiting for it's chance" before I could say or do anything in protest, I felt like I was grabbed by the back of my neck and pulled back to the tent.

Once my eyes opened, without another word I ran out of the tent and grabbed the nearest tent pole for dear life. I wanted to laugh and cry all at the same time, by the gods can't I just have a hopeful future without prophecy's coming for me all the bloody time.

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