Chapter 16

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Seriously, no amount of sorries can make up for how long i have tolled. It's just that my passion for the story has dulled a little but i am back and writing so i really hope you like the new chapter! Love you all so much! Enjoy!

Chapter 16


The cold night air struck, caressing the leather jacket I had on. The smell of autumn closing in. It didn’t affect me as my body temperature rivaled the cold breeze. A thousand scents hit me in that instant. Of trees, pine, soil…nature. I sat crossed legged on a ledge, over looking the vast valley below; it’s greenery still in tact albeit the imbecilic humans that tried to destroy it.

This was my utopia, my fortress of solitude ever since childhood. I still remember Adrain bringing me here for the first time, I spent a whole day here, lost in its tranquilizing façade, that father almost conducted a search party to look for me. I was fine of course but he was always protective of me.

Vampires are born human-like, no bloodlust, no fangs, no accidental killings, just a normal being. It’s when the vampire gene kicks in that everything just go down hill.

I never wanted this, never liked being vampire. I had emotions, but now, they’re just another back seater to the constant thirst that plagues our species, easily pushed aside. I know this was our nature but it’s wrong. No life should deserve to have their just-rights taken away from them.

I shook myself out my own thoughts. I didn’t like where it was going, pain isn’t what I really want right now. With what’s happened and the sudden twist of events, I just don’t know what to do of the situation. Images of what happened just now popping up, at the most inappropriate times.

Adrain still haven’t confirmed why she reacted as such but I assume it’s something bad. My knowledge of such situations is limited and I have never been the one who dug deep into the monumental history of all species that lived upon this planet.

An owl, a flying creature I have always been fascinated with suddenly hooted as it landed on a tree branch. It stood poised, it’s eyes glimmering reflecting the moon’s respective glow. The creature was, weirdly, turning it’s head rapidly from left to right as if expecting to spot a certain threat but I was sure for I sense no presence of such nearby.

It was of no threat to me so I turned back to the darken scenery below, illuminated only by the dim glow of the full moon. It was late I could tell but I didn’t want to leave. It’s like the trees and earthy soil, is slowly draining all the worries of civilization away but I knew, I belonged to her and I must no matter what, go back to be of protection. It was foretold and I must obey what’s destined.

Taking a last glance at the vast valley below, I got up to my feet in a swift movement. As I was about to break into a fast sprint a wave of aura bombarded me. Deep in my guts, I knew something or someone is coming. Now, that would be normal in some cases but considering we’re in a dense forest, I doubt any human, in their right mind would venture into this abyss of darkness.

I flitted over to a tree which trunk is large enough to conceal my body. I waited, it, whatever it was, was approaching, directly heading my way. I bared my fangs, body lowered into a defensive crouch, senses heightened for whatever was coming.

It got closer, until it was just meters to where I stood, then it stopped. This was my chance; I wouldn’t give in to a surprise attack. My body moved, faster for my mind to even keep up, ready to attack whatever threat was in my way.

I was out from behind the tree in a blink of an eye, my muscles were tensed for attack but then, and I stopped. My hands met with thin air where ‘it’ should be. Wait, something was wrong, my senses wouldn’t fail me even if it could but I stood there confused as I saw nothing, even with my superior eyesight, nothing. But I could feel a presence, and it was standing right before me.

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