Chapter 25

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  • Dedicated to Vicky Vivi Tan

Chapter 25

“Are you sure, its even safe to trust the old bloke?” Chester asked squinting up at the clear blue sky, trying to spot any manned aircraft approaching. I hid in the shadows of the palm trees planted around the compound. The intensity of the afternoon sun just drowns all my overly heighten senses.

“Emma, trusts him.” I replied bluntly, in a half hug with her as she stood together with me under the shade. She was quiet, her breathing choppy. I could feel her holding back tears. I rubbed her arms in a comforting manner, snuggling her hair, trying my best to comfort her.

Chester left us alone and sat down on the porch swing, face blanketed with worry. I knew how they all felt, except for Jaden of course; he was rather fond of the idea of me leaving. Fact is, Cade gave me a proposition. He will provide me with Intel and arsenals to take down the terrorist group, rescue my brother and have my time with the Historian, who may or may not know the location or the history of the stone that could help wipe out the demons. My brother is top priority in all of this but I still had my doubts.

“Remember to be careful,” she mumbled for the twentieth time. I nodded and gave her a small kiss on the cheek.

“You too.” I whispered into her ear.

Right on cue, I heard the soft sound of jet engines approaching from the horizon. Emma and Chester seem to not notice and kept to their own thoughts. It was when trees and bushes started to ruffle and whip uncontrollably, that they began to notice the darkening of the sky, caused by a Military based, full on black, N-07 Black Eagle, supersonic troop carrier. It began its descend into the large field, causing quite a havoc as it switched from its hydrogen propulsion jet engines to its two twin turbine hover fans that blasted 100 miles per hour wind to keep it in hover mode.

I could see Chester running towards us, grabbing onto his coat, as he was right in the way. Emma just stared wide eyed at the craft as I shield her from the flying debris caused by the plane, which resembles the old Blackbird but built to accommodate passengers. The pilot must be quite skilled to be able to make use of the rather cramp area as the plane landed seconds later with a thud from its landing gear. The turbine fans stopped its whiplash and the ground went back to its calm state once again.

I heard Chester grumble something under his breath but the loud roar of the engines temporarily overwhelmed my hearing.  My attention quickly snapped to the underbelly hatch that was slowly lowering itself, to the ground.

Seconds later, I could see three or more figures, emerging from the craft, and from their scents I could more or less tell who is who. Cade should be the one with the smell of Cognac, cigar and three hundred dollar worth of Armani perfume. 

I slowly let go of Emma and motioned her and Chester to stay put as I strode over to meet them halfway. There, four men stood, Cade in the lead with two looking like secret service agents and one who look like one of the President’s liaisons. A little too young for the job too.  Tempting.

All of them looked uneasy in my presence, I could smell their fear and anxiety, with the exception of Cade, who have dealt with our kind to show any natural urge to run.

“I see the sun is a non issue for you. Good to know.” Cade broke the stance with a smile.

I shot one back at him, showing the tip of my fangs. This time, even he cringed in horror but I think the liaison got it the worse, when I smell body acid radiating from his crotch, beads of sweat rushing down his forehead. He reeked of fear.

However, the vice President was quick to regain himself and divert his attention to Emma, who stood rigid. “Ah, Emma, how are you?” he said as he strode towards her. She smiled, and stretched out her arms too and both of them hugged, pulling away a little too quickly. “You sure have grown, my dear. Your father haven’t brought you into the office for ages.”

“Well, you know me,” she answered. “Things to do, girlfriends to hang out with.” They both laughed. Clearly, this man is a close friend of her father for I could sense the admiration and fondness radiating off him in his aura.

Then, suddenly, she lowered her voice so only him and her could hear. Or so she thought.

“Speaking of my parents, do you know where they are? I haven’t heard from them for weeks,” she asked.

I tuned out immediately; this was a conversation I should not eavesdrop on. I looked the other way, at Chester who seems to eye each of them suspiciously. He met mine for a second, and gave a nod that warned me to be careful. I gave a subtle nod back, and leaned against the trunk.

“So, if goodbyes are necessary I advise you to be quick, since we’re going to be late for a meeting down at home base,” he boomed.

This is it, my stomach churned and my chest tensed and contracted, as the pain of leaving Emma for God knows how long, struck me hard. I bit my lower lip as I approached her not to let tears escape. She, however, didn’t seem to mind and started tearing before I even embrace her. Tears turned to sobs, as she cried into my shirt, clutching on to my leather jacket.

“Shhh…” I kissed her forehead. “I’ll be back very soon I promise. By then, you could meet my brother, I bet he will be eager to meet you.” I cooed.

“That’s a nice thought,” she chuckled.

I heard a fake cough from Cade, urging us to cut the crap. I turned around and growled, in which the secret service agents reacted by readying their hands on their guns, only to be ordered to stand down.

I turned back to Emma. “Be careful, please,” she begged.

I nodded, planting a kiss on her lips, which she grabbed on to, deepening it. I took the chance, to take in her scent, the feeling of her skin, the warmth from her body. I want, no, I need to remember this moment, every inch of her. Being away from her, will kill me but I will be back soon, I told myself. I will see to it, I do.

“Wait for me?” I breathed.  


With that, I reluctantly tore away from her, grudgingly forcing my feet to walk away. Chester came forth, arms outstretch and he embraced me. “Good luck, lad, don’t get yourself killed now, ei?” he whispered, he too on the verge of tears.

He scooted over beside Emma and both of them stared with tears glistening in the light as I walked towards the aircraft. As I stepped onto the platform, I turned around, looking right into her eyes and mouthed a ‘I love you,’ shaping a heart out of my fingers. She smiled, shaking her head, doing the same. I swore she said ‘cheese ball’ over the roar of the engines.

Then, the platform started to raise itself, and I waved. Slowly, the gap closed and they went out of view, and I came face to face with cold, aluminum and seven passenger seats. Ignoring the pilot’s announcement to strap in, I walked over to the window of the fuselage, peering out as the plane went for it’s upward ascend. It took a 90-degree rotation, and both of them came into view once again, shielding themselves against the flurry of debris but they continued to wave.

I pinned myself against the glass, touching my heart, which pumped the last of Emma’s blood. It sputtered to a stop, and I felt my skin going pale and cold once more.


I know its short but for good reason. I am going to start Dustin's life in joining the SAF (Special Attack Force) but i promise, he'll go back to Emma sooner or later! Please tell me what you think! That's all i ask! XOXO- Aric

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