Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

“The essence of a living vampire.” Chester mused, “that’s what they’re after, the demons. If what you say is true, Dustin, they may very well succeed,” he ended on a grim note, wiping his round glasses as his body leaned back against the mahogany table of his library.

I’ve told Chester everything, down to the finest detail. His reply wasn’t what I had expected.

“But they couldn’t possibly…. do it. I mean there are 6 billion humans in existence, how do you suppose they transition each and every one of them into vampires?” It was true; demons live off the life essence of vampires, its what they feed on and what they use to reproduce. They are as much a parasite to us as we are to humans.

Chester tilted his head, taking the question quite literally and shook his head in bemusement. “See that’s when you’re wrong dear boy. All they needed was to weaken, not exterminate. They will target the strongest foundation in the human society until all’s that’s left is rubble. By the end of the day, all they needed was to make vampires the dominant species again and turn the human race into minorities,” he shrugged and let out a hefty sigh as he sipped on his cup of coffee.

“Why us? Why not they take over instead?”

This time, he just looked at me expressionless, “You haven’t grasp the truth haven’t you Dustin? Demons do not posses a physical form in our dimension. They will be mere drifters, no more a threat than houseflies. That is why they occupy corpses…like Brandon. They exist for one reason, and one reason only. To put vampires back in power.”

“You’re joking.” I clasped my hand, as I tried to grasp the reasoning behind it and you know what? I can’t.

Chester said nothing, and moved to the farthest end of his extensive collection of historic writings. With graceful handling, he pulled out a small roll of ancient parchment. It was brown, brittle and torn in places but it unhinged effortlessly as Chester handed it to me.

I stretched it out, needing to squint despite my superior vision as the words were slant, ink alreaady fading and gone in some paragraphs. It was a short diary entry.

“Read it.” he urged and so I did.


I shall write this with haste, as a record of remembrance.

They did it, the sages; they have resurrected the safe guardians from the other dimensions. The breathers are unaware of this of course, Dmitri have assured me of that. The kingdom will be kept secret on all accords since the council agrees. It’s much too dangerous. The breather’s president is aware of us but has agreed to keep us a secret. Nostradamus’s scroll have proven too reliable, but the guardians are a necessary evil, for our kind. Cecile has made sure she found host bodies for them to occupy, and enough of supplies for them. The prophecy will come but we will be ready. They will defend us; they will fight, that much I am sure. I shall end the entry here, for I hear the ritual ending. Dmitri would want me to welcome them. Soulless as they may be, they are our only hope. Be this record a testament to that.


Vladimir ‘

The scroll ended and I was sure I wasn’t breathing with my lungs burning with yearn. Taking a deep breath, I placed the scroll on the coffee table and let what I just read sink in.

“Now, do you understand?”

I just nodded, very lightly, the muscles on my neck feeling as stiff as the rest of my body. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” I asked.

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