Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I blew an annoying lock of hair out of the way, as I rushed as fast as I humanely could to pack the large luggage on my bed.

The stereo blared from Dustin's room with Willow Smith's latest hit. I rolled my eyes as Jimmy's out of tune singing traveled down the hallway. Its a good thing we're in a sound-proof house in the middle of the woods but poor animals, though.

My eyes wandered around the room, making sure nothing is left out. Satisfied, I grabbed my ePad and lugged the large suitcase downstairs.

I don't know how much I packed but damn this thing is heavy. By the time I had it out the door, sweat is already spurting like crazy from my forehead and my muscles already giving up on the load.

Huffing loudly, I dropped it on the floor and sit myself on it.

I dug out my phone and as expected the message notification light was blinking. Tapping on the screen, my grip on the fiber glass casing of the phone got tighter.

"Don't try to run sis, you know I'll get to you wherever you are. Send my love to mom and dad."

At least, wherever mom and dad are, they're safe. I tried calling from their assistants to the department they work for. All either giving me an I don't know, Classified or not answering my calls at all.

This is getting frustrating.

I read the message again. "We'll see about that." I mumbleld to myself, the brother-sister competition burning up within me. He's not my brother so I'm not going to play nice.

This has become personal.

I was about to get up when a gust of paranormal wind alerted Dustin's presence.

"You okay?" He asked helping me up, picking up my chin so I'm facing him.

"I would like to say yes but no. Just...let's not talk about this k? I just need help with this luggage." I huffed.

He stared at me warily and turn to grab my load. Effortlessly, he slung it over his shoulder like it weighed nothing and he was gone.

Seconds later, I almost choked when he appeared suddenly beside me. "Done." He reported and smiled at me smugly.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head and trudge towards Dustin's room where Jimmy is.

He was still trying to zip up Dustin's dufflebag when I walked in. Guys are really non-productive at all are they? I thought wistfully to myself and went over to help the helpless duck. “Seriously?” I exclaimed as I easily zipped it up with an easy pull.

He stuck out his tongue at me and threw the duffle bag at Dustin who grabbed it without even trying. He was smug when he slung it over his shoulder.

“Show off.” Jimmy grumbled before settling himself on the bed, sighing. “So, Em, we really need to leave huh?” he asked already knowing the answer.

I nodded. “Yeah. Jim…we need to. He can get to us and we need a safer place to figure how to stop him…or help him.” I said not daring to look into his eyes as I know I’ll look weak, tearing up like a 6 year old.

Silence fell between us and Dustin just stood there letting us take our time. Soon, the room became darker and I knew instantly that we’re on time limit. It was closing Twilight and we don’t want to be caught out in the dark where demons can run free. The sun was descending and we need to move, fast.

Like an unspoken agreement, we all got to our feet and headed out of Dustin’s room, rushing to get last minute supplies. Dustin is already downstairs heading towards the garage and Jimmy hauling a large suitcase with clothes that fit him. Jimmy’s mom was out of town and his uncle back in the Bermuda’s so instead of risking being tracked to his house, I recommended he stayed with us. It’s safer that way.

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