Chapter 26: Sworn Duty

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Chapter 26: Let The Action Begin

I didn't know how long we flew but it seemed like ages, being cooped up in a dark cockpit, flying in the horizon-less dark sky, over the wide span of ocean that seems to stretch on forever. The loud roar of the engines, starting to make my head pound.

The others were resting; their eyes closed but their muscle tense. I could sense their auras, spiking at times. I could almost hear their thoughts, their unease caused by my stillness and the drop in temperature within my presence. In my defense, we have no way of controlling these natural traits.

Three hours into the flight, my head was starting to get on my nerves. Every muscle seem ready to spring and snap any one of their heads off. It's just so easy. I mentally slapped myself for even having the thought; then again, my throat was also starting to burn. I really need to get off this plane.

As if my prayers were answered, the plane started to slow down rapidly, the hydro engines starting its slow process of shutting down. With a clunk, another higher pitched sound of whirling turbine fans shot through the cabin and the plane started to lower itself.

I could see high voltage spotlights coming from the ground, waving in a pattern, signaling the pilot to the landing pad. I shook my head, and peeked through the window. My eyes easily pierced the pitch-black night and saw that we are at an airbase of some sort, tucked out of sight, in the middle of some high ranging mountains. There were a few barracks, a hangar and a few helipads. Innocent enough.  

"Well boys, settle up, we haven't got all day." Cade suddenly boomed from the front of the cabin, and started his way to the exit hatch before the plane landed. The rest trailed behind him, unbuckling their seatbelts, and stood behind him. I didn't bother, until I heard a soft thud of the landing gears.

Only when the hatch opened, that's when I started unbuckling and preferred to put some distance between them and me. Cade didn't mind as he expected me to follow him off the exit platform towards one of the three barracks.

Soldiers in uniform, stood guard outside, clutching their guns for dear life, vigilant and ready for any attack. However, as Cade approached, they broke their struts, and saluted him. He did the same as with the others.

I am a vampire, ridiculous human etiquettes does not apply.

Cade gave me clearance and I could see the lot, cringing at the sight of me. I sensed fear, frustration, anger and even confusion mixed in the bunch. Am I that repellent? I gave them a cold stare, as we passed, and one of them even managed to lose his grip on his riffle. Cowards.

We entered the barrack and were faced with dozens of sealed wooden crates. They look like as if they were meant to be transported until Cade approached the one in the farthest corner. It looked like the others but with a soft tap on the steel struts, a small scanner popped out of one of the wooden gaps.

It emitted a ray of light that scanned the iris of Cade's eye and with a beep, we were all warned to stay back as one of the sides started to detach itself and lift up, revealing an elevator. 

"Impressive," I heard the liaison speak for the first time. I looked his way in amusement but I guess he took it the wrong way as he shrunk further away from me. The fear radiating off him was annoying the hell out of me.

We all got into the cramped space, and it started to move as the side of the crate closed once more, leaving us in darkness as it descended far into the ground. I could feel the air pressure changing with every foot. The noise of distant traffic and chattering disappearing completely, the feeling of isolation crept in.

I wasn't given any time to think at all as metal doors emerged and opened itself, revealing an astoundingly huge operation base, complete with monitoring stations, a huge Jumbotron that showed the world map most of the time, a circular center, with a podium, with the United States crest on it, dozens of people in black suits, bustling across the steel catwalks, too busy to even notice our presence.

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