Chapter 10

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(This should be the last chapter i post UNTIL December. But i promise you there will be more! Enjoy!)

Chapter 10

I let out a sigh of contempt as the warm water flowed down my body, trailing my curves and down to the bathtub. The steam clearing my nasal and the warm water relaxing my tensed muscles.

For the first time in two days, I felt at peace, all the worries in the world, seemed like a distant memory. If only it was true.  

If only a shower will wipe away all the problems.

After I'm satisfied, I reluctantly got out of the bathtub, bones clicking into place. As I dried myself with a towel, I groaned, moving my finger along the slight cuts and bruises on my face and arms.

Here comes the stress and problems.

When I dried my hair, I almost jumped a foot in the air when something popped up on the mirror. Screen slash mirror, forgot, my bad.

It was informing me that someone entered the room. It was then I heard soft footsteps on the opposite side of the bathroom door.

Faster than I have ever moved, I got into my worn out navy blue t shirt and a pair of shorts. I immediately reached for the cabinet and took out the small long-range stun gun. Every bathroom has it, for safety purposes.

I crossed over to the door, and standby by the doorknob. Mentally prepared, I swung open to door, leaped out, expecting to be faced with some attack of sorts and aimed the stun gun, with shaky hands.

Relief washed over me as it was only Dustin, with headphones on, pacing around the room with a photo album of mine in his hands.

Apparently, with loud music blasting his eardrums, he still could hear me. He turned and gave me an odd look, as I must have looked like a crazy female with a stun gun in her hands.

He took off the earphones and walked towards me, album settled under his arms and an amused look on his face.

"Don't want to hear about it!" I groaned and turned my back heading to the bathroom once more to fix up my frizzy hair.

"I'm not judgemental." He replied, clearly holding back laughter.

"Who's to say, your highness."

Once I said it, he literally shot me a death glare. "Never call me that.I've already said I'm not royal." He growled through clenched teeth.

I was taken aback by his reaction and dropped my head. "I was just joking." I mumbled and retreated into the bathroom. I was about to shut the door when Dustin suddenly stopped it. His body halfway through the doorway.

His face was warm again. "Look, Emma, I'm sorry...its just...this talk about my bringing up a lot of stuff...I hope you understand."

I nodded and flashed him a smile.

He smiled back. "BTW, your BFF just woke up."

It tooke me a second to process what he was saying. "Really?! How is he? I need to see him now!" I chirped and grabbed a comb.

Pushing pass him, I jogged to Dustin's room. When I entered, I couldn't help but laugh out loud at what sleeping beauty is doing.

He had my old hawaiian bra on.

He looked up at me with a huge grin. "Don't say it, I know I look sexy."

I shook my head and ran over to him, giving him a big hug. "I'm just glad you woke up, Mr. Cheesy."

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