Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Raindrops battered the sealed windows, giving no indication that the dome was ever there. A flash of lightning lit up the night sky for a brief second, and disappeared followed by a loud rumbling thunder.

Inside, the firewood cracked and burned, casting an eerie glow around the study room in which I sat on an armchair, staring point blank at the fireplace, admiring the flames as they danced and licked the walls. A warm cup of blood sat untouched on the side table where Chester had left it.

At the moment, I just can’t seem to think properly, to fathom what had just happened. That voice in my head….

I didn’t dare tell any of them what happened of course, with so much bearing weight on them already, it almost seemed selfish. Had it been real? The voice. had it really penetrated Jaden’s force field. For someone who only just performed mere bar tricks in the past, really form a complete protection shield?

Sometimes I just felt like there are problems even a vampire can’t take.

I reached out for the cup of blood when I heard the door creak open. I was on my feet in a heartbeat, body ready for attack. My eyes fell on the source of the sound to find Leslie standing by the doorframe.

“Oh, its you. Sorry.” I mumbled.

He seemed to look utterly perplexed. “Sire, need not apologize. It is I who should be apologetic for the rude intrusion,” he said in his thick Russian accent.

I waved the comment off and went back to the armchair. “Don’t call me sire. Call me by my first name. I am no more powerful than you, Leslie.” I spoke without looking at him.

“Of course Si-“ he bit his tongue. “I apologize.”

Ignoring his stuttering I gestured for him to have a seat beside me. He seemed unsure of himself but proceeded to settle himself into the armchair. Leslie was a burly man, 6 by 7 with toned muscles formed over years of service with Chester. He used to be treated no more than a dog but since Chester’s parents who were vampires vanished during the war, he vowed to make him an equal. Seriously, I feel like a midget beside him.

“So what’s up?’ I said causally, sipping on the cup of blood, savoring the slush of comfort it brings.

He got a little tensed up by the question, pursing his lips and toying with his fingers as though unable to contemplate what he’s going to say.

So begins the stuttering.

“Leslie…want…to know…how…I mean…you…escaped…I thought they…emmm…got rid of...I am sorry if I made Si-. I mean, Dustin uncomfortable.” He ended, looking clearly embarrassed, at the lacquered wooden floor. I must say, I have never seen Leslie in such a loss for words. Normally, you would see an extremely tough Russian giant who could have easily be in some kind of vampire mafia, so seeing him now like this, is weird.

When I didn’t reply, he immediately stood up. “Leslie apologizes…I shouldn’t have question Dustin like that. I’ll be…leaving.”

He turned but I stopped him. “Sit.” I said, in a manner, Chester would be proud of. Leslie got no choice but to obey.

I offered him the cup of blood I had but he refused.

We were silent for a while but I didn’t intend for it to go on forever. “So you want to know how I survived?” I asked bluntly in which he was torn between a nod or a verbal yes. He settled with a stiff nod.

So, I spoke.

“Maria and Duncan.” I started, not without pain in my voice for they are the names of my dead parents.

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