Chapter 3

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(Again, I will be really really happy if you guys commented. Because feedback is important to indicate that people actually like the story and anything that you think i should improve, fire away! Thank you so much for reading!) (This chapter is rather slow paced because the next few chapters will be sped up a little so yeah...)


Chapter 3

Mind racing and adrenaline flaring, I frantically tried to think of something, using my unrestraint arm, to tug on his hair, it subdue him for a second but he was relentless, going for my neck every time. The auto-driver winding the car up the sloppy hill which didn't help either as it sent my head banging against the windshield and window.

As I dodged, another blow to my head, an idea sprung into my brain. Putting it into motion, I used all of my effort to tug on his hair, distracting him, just long enough for me to give voice commands to the car's on board computer.

"Command prompt, override safety protocol, engage emergency braking and disengage all safety belts!" I shouted and grab hold of the handle bars, closing my eyes for the momentum switch.

"Engaging" was all the computerized voice said, before I heard the screeching of wheels and with my remaining strength, I threw my body to the driver's side, from what I saw last was Dustin being flung head first into the bullet proof windshield and the car trying to maneuver itself to a safe halt on the side of the road.

My head was safely protected by the padded steering wheel and a heartbeat later, I felt the car coming to a grinding halt on a grass patch of land.


A few eerie seconds later, I scrambled up to see Dustin laying unconscious, the impact sending his head crashing against the hard windshield and bouncing him back into his seat. Surprisingly, dark colored blood, started flowing down from his forehead.

"Oh no, no, no." I cursed as I fumbled to get a towel, from my backpack at the back seat. Wetting it with a bottle of mineral water, I dabbed it carefully, on the cut, a bruise slowly forming. I need to get him back home, he won't be able to heal if no blood is in his system.

"Computer, damage status." I said, a little shaken.

"Damage minimal, no repair required, condition exceptional for operation." The computer replied.

Relieved, I commanded the computer to reactivate auto-driver and soon we're on our way again. Me, still trying to stop the bleeding wound. He was still unconscious, any sign of vampire rage gone. Actually, he looks rather at peace.

Soon, the front borderline gate loomed ahead and we were parked in the garage once more. My Prius and my mom's Cadillac gone. They must be out, and that's great because seeing your daughter coming back with an unconscious vampire is not that great of a view.

As I was about to attempt to lift him out of the car, he came about, his reaction making me slip, with my hands on his chest and my face just inches from his. His blue eyes met mine, wide in shock, but I didn't move, the coldness of his chest balancing out my cold palms, his eyes although shocked trapped mine, making me unable to pull away.

I was about to apologize when I felt a sudden surge of electric travelling up my arms towards my brain. It felt weird but I didn't had time to react as a I felt million of needles stabbing at my skull, the pain was literally unbearable, as they pressed down on me, I closed my eyes shut, clutching my head, screaming, a scream of pure agony... darkness creeping around the edges of my vision. I couldn't feel anything anymore, Dustin just disappeared as the world spun and I felt myself being shaken by some external force.

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