Chapter 41

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I'm so sorry it's been so long since i uploaded. Life's been really hectic and the urge to write have been dampened quite a bit lately. But i'm back with a new chapter and i do sincerely, hope you enjoy it! 


Chapter 41

It lusted for blood. The monster –the demon- reaking with ferosity, burning through my veins with rage. I could feel, they could feel it, the true demons that hovered before me with their large bat like wings, same with mine but none the bigger.

I stretched them to their full wingspan, feeling a cruel smile creeping across my features. They, were stunned too as with Emma and the rest. I turned to her, looking her straight into her fearsome eyes, to tell her, that I was still me, in control of this demon that thrashed within my grasp. She made me stronger, the monster giving up on fighting and letting me take advantage of flight.

With one last screeching roar, the first of the attacks came at me.

This one was bulky, a biker, still wearing its leather jacket and jeans, torn and tattered from what looks to be a horrific accident gone wrong. The demons sure aren’t specific with choosing their host bodies.

It bellowed, a sword, materializing out of thin air, in his palm, the stench of hell and a depressing dark fog surrounding its glistening features.

It came down fast at me but I was quick to dodge, taking to the air, scally wings lifting me off the ground with no effort. I gaped, smile broadening with delight. Being half demon does have its pay offs.

“Dustin! Behind you!” Emma’s voice called from bellow with pure panic. I turned around only to be missed by another blade by inches of my face. It was held steadfast by the second of Brandon’s goons. This one was scrawny, a hole still unhealed on his forehead, merely covered by his ruffled blonde hair which was also dirtied with dried blood. This one was shot, and badly at that.

I swooped past him, my own vampire properties adding to the game of dodge with speeds blurring their attacks. Swords enveloped in dark fog came reining down on either side, with me only working by defense. The three of them combined would be fatal if I slashed out.

As I dipped down, avoiding blonde’s sharp edges, Brandon got to me, by the tip of his shadowed blade, searing into my shoulder blade, numbing my entire right arm and wing. For a second i stalled, and plummeted as my left wing failed to give sufficient lift.

The floor came fast…and hard.

With one definite thud, bone met cement and I laid face first on the ground, feeling a bruise developing on every inch of my body.

Like vultures they came, each holding their blade at the ready, circling my limp body. I waited for them as I hid my left arm under my stomach. Ever slowly, I felt the hilt of a blade, materializing from thin air, conjured by my very thuoughts. “Come at me.” I breathed through clenched teeth as one of them swoop down.

 I could feel them inches from me, so close, their aura spiking blood red, ready at for the kill. With me their prey of honor. Just as they were upon me, I swung myself full force onto my back, meeting them with my blade, slashing out with all my might.

It came in contact with one of the goon’s head. Slicing it clean off his body, without any resistance at all. Before the limp body could even reach the ground, his companion came all in, screeching, an inhumane noise that breaks eardrums. Somehow though, it awakened something ferocious in me, a firey burst of fury shooting through every inch of my body. My fangs came out, twice their usual size, nails sharpening like claws.

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