Chapter 6

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(Sorry it took so long! Public exams are coming up and Universities to apply for. So yeah! Thank you to all my new fans and readers! I really appreciate the feedback and a random shout out to these people! ) 


2. xandri (for clearing up the elevator, lift thing),  

3. Simply_Impossible 

4. MorphineXLies

(Once again, thanks for all the support and enjoy the story ya'all!)


Chapter 6

"A What?!" I asked, my mind's search for the meaning of the word, ending in futility.

A tense silence descended upon us, as me and Jimmy look at each other confused looks on our faces. I looked back at Dustin, his expression shifting between shock, confusion and pure awe.

Jimmy finally gave up and retreated to the garage. "Okay, this is getting really weird, if you two prefer to stand around and act confused on some accusation, then I'll let you be." He said both hands in the air.

Before he could step into the garage. "You're a sage." Dustin cut in. Those words sent a wave of confusion through my body but somehow I wanted to laugh instead.

"What?!" my question echoing throughout the house. "Okay, okay, I can't handle this, first I need to have a vampire as a slave and now, you're telling me I have Harry Potter as a best friend."

I laughed looking over at Jim, hoping he'll laugh too and claim that this is all a joke but instead, he just stood there, as still as a statue. "I mean, it's ridiculous, I mean, you, wand? Hocus pocus....right....RIGHT?!"

He looked up at me, a sad apologetic expression on his face. It was then I knew that this wasn't a joke. "Emma...i....i wanted to tell's just...I'm afraid you will think I am crazy or something..." he stuttered, clenching and unclenching his fist.

I was totally and epically speechless. It seems my brain got stuck unable to process what he just said. As words slowly formed in my head, I was about to spit it out when Dustin cut in.

There's no way! Your kind is extinct, centuries ago after Merlin!"

My head started to thump, great, I am having a migraine. My head started to spin as all this finally sunk in. Dustin was droning on and on about something, clearly arguing with Jimmy but I could hear were mumbles. Clutching on to the oven handle, unable to withstand their bickering.

"Dustin get out of here! I NEED A WORD WITH THE WIZARD!" I yelled, pointing at the door like a mother commanding her child to go to their room.  

"Emma, you don't understand, they are a threat to-"

"NOW!!!!!!" I yelled at the top of voice. I was freaking out and no way in hell anyone is going to mess with me.

He sighed and with one last glare at Jimmy, Dustin disappeared into the kitchen. Breathing in and out, to calm myself I focused myself on Jimmy, whom by the way I am very furious with.

"Em, please let me explain..."

"What is there to explain Jimmy. And to think we knew each other for 9 years now." I said, massaging my temples because this is all too much. This is just all wrong. What was once mythical is now just popping up and shoving themselves in my face.

He crossed over and took both of my hands in his and he looked into my eyes. Jimmy for as long as knew him, had short, spiky brown hair, moderately masculine body, broad shoulders and bedroom grey eyes.

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