Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

After the brief moment of awkwardness, we went down to business. I started by telling Chester everything I knew and Liyana’s involvement, which he found disconcerting but he let it go, for now. By the time we’re finished, both of us were standing, fumbling with our own thoughts, absent-mindedly staring at each other with a vacant look on our faces.

“We need to find that stone.” He finally said, straightening himself as he brushed off his jacket, which aristocratically shadowed his silk shirt underneath down to the plain woolen pants he was wearing.

I shook my head with a defiant air, “No, not now, we cannot put Emma in danger. Until they make their move, that’s when we strike.”

Chester’s forehead cringed into a frown; “Don’t tell me, you expect the stone to miraculously appear in front of you, when time comes. We’ll all be dead,” he exclaimed, crossing his arms in a defensive gesture.

I sighed and combed through my hair, slamming the table in frustration. The oak creaked which made Chester yelp. He closed on me and, squeezed my shoulder. “Calm down,” he said. I was hearing sense at least, taking in deep breaths. My tongue brushed over the sharp tips of my fangs, not bothering to retract them.

With a hefty sigh he asked, “How long have you not been in public, my boy?”

“I don’t really know, Chester. Why are you asking me all this.” I groaned impatiently, biting my lower lip, feeling the slight sting as my fangs sunk into them. It healed within seconds. I resorted to look at him from the corner of my eye, not wanting to burden myself more with that worried look of his. Of course, that would be easier if he wasn’t smiling instead.

“Come, why don’t I bring you around Rome, lad. You poor thing, haven’t seen much of the world,” he teased. I wanted to say no on point but something made me reconsider. Having to deal with all this is really taking a toll on me. It won’t hurt to at least take one day off, will it?

My answer came when forty minutes later; we’re in the Rover, hurtling towards the heart of Rome. Jaden sat in the front seat with Chester as he navigated the beast of a car, with Emma and I strapped in the back. Her head was rested on my shoulder with me half hugging her.

The journey was quiet with only slight whispers between me and her.

“I got a track of my parents,” she mumbled making me raise a questioning eyebrow at her. There was a relieved smile on her face, one that I haven’t seen since for months. I couldn’t believe three months could alter so much of her life. Come to think of it, it could all be my fault.

“That’s great. Where are they?” I asked, brushing her hair which have grown significantly since I first laid eyes on her. They smelled great with the same strawberry yogurt shampoo she always used.

Taking out her transparent cell, she tapped the screen until a virtual map came up with two red pins, indicating the location of two people. They were labeled Howard Connor and Brenda Lee Connor, her parents. By the looks of it, they were stationed in some part of Africa, near the main capitol.

“Both of them were selected by the NSA to check out a breach in the South part of Africa. The office wanted to make it as confidential as they can. That’s why they never contacted me. You should’ve seen the security team with them, they’re like the size of a bulldozer,” she improvised her point by literally casting weird hand gestures of a hippo which made me laugh. It was too cute, not to.

Enslaved (ON HOLD INDEFINITELY)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora