Chapter 27

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Forgive me for the shorter chapter. i wanted to spread it out evenly, ending with certain events but i really do hope you enjoy it and give me feedback on how to improve! Thank ya'all once again for your support! XOXO- Aric


Chapter 27

I saw her, staring at me with no glint of shame in her eyes. For half an hour, we sat in the backseat of a black Range Rover, with tinted windows and I was pretty sure to be bulletproof doors. The biodiesel engine roared through the vast desert, nothing in the horizon, I see, but mountain ranges, stretching like a boundary around us.

I fumbled with the Tricom communicator, its brushed aluminum housing slipping within the palm of my hands. The screen reflected the last twilight rays of the sun that was setting within the horizon.

The president was all right, the communicator being the first to ring upon his release from the emergency ward. He kept his word, although I could hear a tone of apprehension through the speakers. If he does something stupid, my life will be on the line here. It’s consequence too much a thought for my brain to apprehend.

“Not far now,” Liyana said absent mindedly, now, staring straight at the bulletproof visor that separated us from the driver. I nodded in response while thumbing through the menus of the Tricom.  I didn’t know where we were heading, not even the GPS could determine our location definitely. Something is really wrong here.

I sighed and pocketed it, looking out the window, my mind wandering to Emma. My stomach did a double flip picturing her longing expression. Somehow, I yearned to know what she’s doing, to see her, feel her warmth close to me, her breath trailing down my neck. Her sweet scent, erupting the sex drive within me, it was almost painful just thinking about it. I didn’t know what they wanted me to do, but, I knew what I was to them, in the condeluded minds of those humans.

I was a weapon, designed and used to kill.

Somehow I don’t blame them, they have reached a level of desperation so high, they are using a theory that my dead brother is still somehow alive and held captive in some terrorist birdhouse somewhere. The fact is, I knew he’s dead…its hard thinking about it, but how can you not, considering, I saw them rip his head clean off…The memory haunts me till this day. Despite that, I found myself drawn, because some part of me wished that was true, that he was still alive and that maybe, just maybe, I can gain part of me back again.

My train of thought derailed as I picked up a distant rumbling, higher pitched, mechanical, unlike the whir of the Range Rover’s engines. It was a good distant away but loud enough for me to hear it. Being in the middle of a vast desert with only sand and rocks, this is way abnormal.

Liyana seem to notice me tensing, and looked out expectantly. I was about to ask her again where we’re heading when the Range Rover hit something metallic, gave a little lurch and started descending into a hole that seem to magically appear in the middle of the flat bed rock. Slowly, walls of sand seem to cave in around us but instead of crushing us, it enveloped itself around the range rover in a shape of a tunnel, blocking the last trace of sunlight as we dove further into the tunnel.

I was rather left out of the loop, not knowing how the driver can maneuver a full sized SUV through a cramp chute like that. Not far down, the wheels of the Rover gave a loud thud and I found myself momentarily blinded, by flooding lights, beaming through the windows. It only took me a second to realize, the wall of sand that have turned into chrome, with white neon strips, lighting the space, which is larger.

The Range Rover squealed as its Locking Differentials engaged, the onboard computer trying to keep its traction on the slippery metal floor. Despite that, I must credit the driver for not even braking once for a sharp bend that could make the car skid and collide with the wall.

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