Chapter 5

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(Once again, please, i just need some feedback, that's all i need. So comment people! and ENJOY!

And hello to my two recent fans SimplyNikki and brooke1234!

Chapter 5

As the door to my bedroom slid open, what caught my eye was a shinny plastic card on my bedside table. The automatic lights, turned on and my eyes strained to focus on it.

I got closer and as I grabbed the card, I almost squeeled like a 5 year old.

It was my father's exclusive Titanium credit card, and on the back was a sticky note.

'Darling, sorry that your mom and I need to leave on such short notice. But its still your birthday and buy whatever you want as your birthday present and that means only ONE, just don't make me have a heart attack. Love, Mom and Dad.'

I still couldn't believe my luck as my fingers traced the small rectangular Titanium material. My dad must be feeling really bad.

Who cares. New stuff for me!

Quickly, I glanced at the clock. 6.26, perfect, a welcome-to-the-family dinner for Dustin with Jimmy, and a round of extreme mall crawl for my clothes and maybe for Dustin, since all the clothes available are my brother's and I don't know whether it'll fit him well. Courtersy of my loving daddy.

With a cheerful atmosphere in the air, I skipped over to the closet grabbing a pair of jeans, graphic tee and continued to the bathroom. Note to self, ask Dustin for my leather jacket back.

I stripped down, and stepped into the bathtub, letting the water flow down my entire body. The warm liquid loosing up my muscles and cleaning up my wound.

After feeling satisfied I stepped out, quickly dried myself and changed into the clothes I took. Making sure my hair is the same straight, flat, boring self, I stepped out, walking to the window like I usually do, admiring the relaxing trees, as my hair dried.

Sadly, the sky is just a shade of gray, the trees seem less lively than usual. Actually, I have never seen the sky in that shade of color before. Somehow, I got this weird feeling inside, that this isn't any ordinary storm but hey, I ain't letting that get to my plans for tonight. My parents finally left me home without a babysitter for once and I'm so not going to waste it.

In a great mood, I picked up my iPod and played an old song by Taylor Swift. Love her songs, last I heard she's still staying at Beverly Hills under tight security. Being an award winning country singer 20 years ago kind of makes you a vampire target.

Then, I remembered something. Got to call Jimmy.

I snatched my blackberry off my bed and with a press of a button, Jimmy's preset caller tone blared through the earpiece. After 20 taunting seconds of ear numbing rock music, he answered on the other end.

"Yoha Broha!" Jimmy chimed. That's typical Jim for you, always peppy, it annoys the heck out of people.

"Hey Jim, just wanna go for dinner and our traditional mall crawl?"

I heard him gasp. "Would I! I so wanted to shop, and I think I saw something I want at the 'Make-a-bra Emporium' !" he paused. " Man, I need more guy friends!".

"Are you done?"

"I think I am." He answered.

"So are you coming?" I asked, seriously this time.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll come over in a bit."

"Oh yeah Jim. The...emm...I mean, Dustin is coming with." I crossed my finger hoping he won't angry.

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