Chapter 17

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(I have finally hit 101 pages on the Word file! I have never wrote a story that passed 20 so i realy want to thank you all for this as you all are the reason why i continue to write!! So, heres' the latest chapter, enjoy! Love, Aric)

(Oh a little side note, i feel like i wanna do a dedication or a shoutout to to you guys for the  next chapter. Just for fun. So comment if you want me to.)

Chapter 17

“What is he doing here?” I snarled with as much acid in my voice as possible.

Adrain eyed me pleadingly but even he knew this won’t end well. Instead of coming back with a witty remark, Lucifer just stood up with his signature half smirk half smoldering face, which seriously annoyed the hell out of me.

“Come on Dustin, this isn’t a polite way to treat your guest now.” He said in that deep voice of his which caused vibrations throughout the enclosed dining chamber. He ridiculously flipped his long chestnut brown hair out of the way, and folded his arm across his majorly buff chest and body, which was contrast to my lean muscular one. “Hmmm, you’re smaller than I remembered.” He added

Sure enough, he stopped aging later than I did, which put him in the middle of 22 and 25. However, I could see he was still that tan brainless jock I knew when we were studying together back in Aurelius Academy. Yes, vampires have an education system too, mainly for the more fortunate ones.

“Can’t judge a book by it’s cover.” I retorted.

“Please don’t kill each other.” Adrain pleaded but Lucifer just waved it off.

“Vanderkov, princey here won’t last a minute in a fight. Remember you 3rd year?” he teased, directing the question at me. And of course, I remembered that day so clearly. I was 12 and my abilities haven’t developed to it’s full potential yet and Lucifer here decided to have a smack down outside in the school yard. Everyone came to watch.

He called me a royal coward, since I accidentally cut him off in line when we were having our feeding. My father told me to always remember pride and dignity so I did what any ‘man’ should of done. I accepted the fight without estimating how significantly fit he’s compared to my, then, petite, body.

It didn’t even last 40 seconds.

I suppressed a growl as the memory of that embarrassing day came flooding. I know it’s childish to hate on someone just because of that but childhood scars are the worst. I just couldn’t resist “Wanna bet?”

He raised his eyebrow, and a sinister smile slowly spread across his face. “Tiny finally has the balls to challenge me. This is going to be fun.”

“Lucifer…” Adrain growled.

“Chill, I won’t break your cousin…too badly.” He chuckled and shot a wink at me. I let out a low growl and got into a combat position. As I did, my hands came in contact with one of Adrain’s priceless collectibles, almost knocking it off the side shelf. That one second of distraction was all he needed.

Before I could even refocus, I got the breath knocked out of me and I found myself flying through the air before landing hard on gravel. I admit it hurt but I was to react and was on my feet. I found myself in the field right behind Adrain’s main residential block and eminent enough, the lights were out. He really knocked me hard as I clutched on to my stomach but I didn’t let it show.

A movement in a bush nearby alerted me of his presence. I saw a silhouette standing by the frame of the glass door that lead to the backyard. That was Adrain I was sure, now, I just need to find that dumb asshead.

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