Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The question seem to take him by surprise as his eyes widened and he bit into his lower lip. I raised an eyebrow, looking at him quizzically.

Sure enough, they all wanted to escape from us and the damn prison cell. The chamber is always the best chance of escape and Dustin literally earned himself a one way get away ticket when Jimmy lost his hold on him. I was pretty sure my threat won't subside him too.

"I never knew I was the threatening type. You could have just ignored me instead you cowered..." I stopped as I heard a growl and a loud bang before I felt pain surging through my spine. He had me pinned against the wall, both hands pinning my shoulders.

His eyes turned red, he flashed his fangs. "I. DID. NOT. COWER. I was just.....weak." He said through clenched teeth. Somehow, he didn't look as menancing as the other vampires I met with before Dustin. Each one of them held a death sentence in their eyes but Dustin's look as if his anger is just forced, not wanting to give me the sense that he was weak. One thing is for sure, he wasn't your typical evil, bloodsucking vampire.

There was a graceful flare to him, unlike the rest.

"Put me down Dustin."

He continued to growl. His grip on me slowly tightening

"Put me down....I know you are better than this. This is not you... you're different from the rest, Dustin!" I said, my voice calm.

His breathing became heavier and I stayed strong and stared into his eyes. Earning himself another frown line, he let go of me and I slumped onto the ground, groaning while rubbing my slowly bruising shoulders.

He buckled and too, sat down beside me, wrapping his arms around his leg and putting his chin on his knee.

We sat in silence, the only sound made by the humming of the fridge. My heartbeat slowly returned to normal and my breathing became even.

"You're right. I'm different. Weaker...." He barely whisphered. "I'm useless." He mumbled and hid his face.

I shook my head, reaching out to him, rubbing circles behind his back, "no, you're not... I may not know you well, but you are different Dustin, you don't need to be the vicious vampire..." somehow my heart melted, the anger I had for him before just extinguished in a flash.

He suddenly threw up his hands, crouching in front of me, face dubbed with pain. "You don't get it Emma! THAT'S WHAT WE ARE, HOW WE'RE SUPPOSE TO BE! We cannot have sympathy for your kind! You are FOOD to us. I was suppose to kill you, to do what any vampire should've done!" He almost shouted, his face inches from me, his fangs bared, looking sharper than ever.

"But you didn't...and that's all that mat-"

"NO! You should be afraid of me! You're making me feel useless..." He reduced to a choked whisper.

He stared at the floor, and I reach out to him and cupped his face in mine, "look at me." He hesitated for a second but obeyed and my heart melted even further when I saw tears flowing down his cheeks.

Weirdly, my maternal instincts kicked in and I got him in a warm embrace. "Now, now, everything will be okay, you'll have a great life with my family." I cooed rubbing his back.

"Gone, gone because of my weakness......all because of me......" He sobbed

"Now, now, how possibly could you know that...whatever it is, you can't blame is what it is." I whispered, trying to conceal my own tears.

After what seem to be fifteen minutes, he sobbered up... I slowly pulled him out of the embrace and held him at arms length.

"Better?" I asked flashing him a warm smile.

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