Chapter 21

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I know it is kind of short but i hope you still enjoy it! Leave me comments! XOXO- Aric


Chapter 21

“This is not good.” Chester exclaimed when I told him what happened.

Five minutes ago, he almost looked taken aback when we slammed through the doorway. Emma finally woke up from all the commotion and was with Chester on the demand of answers. It’s really frustrating when you need to repeat the same tragic story over and over again.

“I really need to go into seclusion after all this.” She groaned.

I leaned in on her and brought her closer. “Now, don’t worry and I know you’re tired of hearing this but everything is going to be okay, okay? Don’t let them get the better of you.” I whispered.

She sighed we pulled into a hug ignoring Jaden’s piercing stare.

“I love you.” She said.

Now, that took me off guard. I pulled out of the hug and just stared at her.

“What?” she asked but I was just unable to respond. She rolled her eyes and pecked me on the cheeks and got up, walking towards Jaden leaving me staring confusingly after her.

I finally snapped out of it when I heard Chester laugh.

“Oh, young love. Personally, I find your reaction quite amusing.” He said in between breaths. “She obviously fancies you, dear boy. And I can see this has nothing to do with your…how I say it…outward demure.” He mused.  

I scoffed and turned towards him. “Ignoring what you just said. What do we do now? They are obviously smarter than we thought they were.”

He seems to ponder this for a second and I saw as his eyes started to wander towards Jaden. A smile crept across his face.

“That Jaden boy. You say he’s…”

“One of the special ones, yes. He’s a hybrid actually. Half human.” I cut in. Somehow by the look on Chester’s face, it troubled me.

He turned to look at me. “Well, if he’s up for it, I have got a little plan that will secure the mansion. Be warned, he may not take it but with what just happened, it doesn’t hurt to give it a try.”

“You don’t mean-“

“Yes, I do.” He answered. “We need more than physical security.”

He’s got a point. “Wait, but how does he do it without a Grimoire?” I could see he got the answer ready as he stood up and approached the stack of books near the couch, where the two were conversing. He fingered through them and seem to found the right one, pulling it out from the middle of the pile.

Emma and Jaden seem to be in their own space as they spoke and laugh about something but Chester distracted me as he sat down once more, flipping through the page of an aged book, that looked so fragile, a small breeze will threaten it’s bindings.

“Is that it?” I asked.

He nodded and continued on his search for something within the context. With a few more flips, he settled on a page of scribbling, done by quill. “This.” He pointed as the lower left of the page.

It took me one glance to see the words ‘maxima protectie’ . Then it struck me.

“A protection spell.” I whispered as I look through the other inscriptions within the aged parchment. They were mind boggling with medieval scriptures to boot. “Do you think it will work?”

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