Sophia - CHAPTER 10

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It's been about two weeks since Wade asked Sophia out and the honeymoon phase continues despite the fact that Wade had to leave again but even then they still texted and called each other all the time.

It was Sunday and Sophia's plan was to sleep in but she gets woken up because Mackayla wouldn't stop shouting. She rubs her eyes, looks up at the ceiling, and then decides to see what's going on.

When she walks to her friend's room, the door is already open so she can see that she's on the phone with Ander. "I don't care, Dilaurentis. I don't want you to do that ever again."

"What's going on?" Sophia asks yawing.

"Ander told one of his good buddies back home, who by the way can't keep his mouth shut, about our whole sex life in front of me! Which you shouldn't be telling anyone in the first place." Mackayla explains then she turns back to the camera.

"I don't get why you're so mad, Mackayla. You tell all of your friends." Ander yells back.

"Because I trust them and I know you trust them too! And I don't even go into that much detail."

Sophia doesn't know what to do. Especially this early in the morning. They were both right but they were both also wrong. "Uhm... Is Wade there?" She asks and then he comes into the frame.

He looks dead. As if this fight has been going on for a while. She wants to laugh at his expression but now is definitely not the time to do so. "I'm here," he says in an annoyed tone.

"What do you think about this whole thing?" She asks him.

"I think Ander is right. I've heard Mackayla talk to you about their sex life like there's no tomorrow. It should be okay if Ander tells one of his friends." Wade explains.

"Thank you!" Ander thanks him while yelling.

"Jesus, man. Turn it down." Wade complains. "You are so fucking loud."

Sophia doesn't think she agrees with Wade. "I don't know... Mackayla does tell us but that's because she trusts us no to tell anyone else. I'm sure she wouldn't mind if Ander told you but since it's someone she doesn't trust and maybe Ander doesn't trust him either, it was wrong."

"Thank you!" Mackayla yells back.

"Shit... Do keep it down please." Sophia complains realizing how loud her friend was being.

"But she doesn't want me telling anyone, Sophia. Why can't I tell anyone and she can tell all her friends? Whether she trusts them or not? It's unfair."

"That's the thing, Ander, the both of you trust me while only you trust your friend. You need balance."

"Did you guys not talk about this when you started seeing each other?" Wade asks. "Because it's not an unspoken rule."

Mackayla and Ander shake their head no. "We both thought the other one would think the same since we just fit so well," Ander explains and Sophia sees Mackayla blush when he mentions how they fit well but you could still tell she was mad.

"You need to talk about these kinds of things. It's not only what you like to do in bed that needs to be talked about but also if you guys want to share what you do."

Mackayla rolls her eyes. "What do you know, miss innocent?" Mackayla snaps but Sophia doesn't take it personally because she knows she's just angry.

Sophia and Wade exchange a look. Mackayla was somehow right since Sophia never really shares as Mackayla does. She's always kept it private. It's what makes it exciting, especially in a relationship.

Sophia - #1 in the ice seriesWhere stories live. Discover now