Sophia - CHAPTER 22

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It was thanksgiving, and Marie and Bryce invited everyone over - even the dogs - for Friendsgiving. The only rule is that everyone had to bring food since they would be cooking the turkey. Wade and Sophia said they would bake both the pumpkin and apple pie.

So they were out shopping that morning to bake the pies. "Soph, we can just buy the cake mix, they won't even notice," Wade complains. Sophia's list was almost as long as her height.

"Don't be lazy, Anderson. We are making this from scratch. Old school. Homemade." She finds words related to "from scratch." to make him smile and he does. "Plus, I know their taste buds, they will know."

"But we cook, we don't bake." Wade points out. "Why did we go for dessert anyway?"

"Because we need to learn how to bake," Sophia explains. "Wouldn't you want to come home to freshly baked muffins? cookies?"

"Good point. But this is going to be hell." He admits while he takes the heavy pumpkin from Sophia.

She shrugs. "Only if you make it hell. C'mon, let's go back to the apartment and bake!"

They pay for their groceries and head back. When they get there, Sophia lays everything out and separates the ingredients for both pies. "Alexa, play Christmas music." She says and Wade shakes his head.

"Oh hell no, it ain't Christmas yet baby." He says turning it off.

Sophia's jaw drops. "You surprise me every day. What else am I supposed to play? Alexa, play."

"Alexa no."

"I will poison your piece of the pie." Sophia threatens with the spatula. "And you'll sleep on the couch."

Wade walks up to her. "You couldn't do that even if you wanted to. Now, what pie are you baking? I'll do the other one."

Sophia bursts out laughing. "No way. You were just saying how you don't bake. Get out of the kitchen you party pooper."

"Party pooper?" He raises an eyebrow. "Fine, bakeoff it is. I'll gladly take the pumpkin."

Sophia crosses her arms. "Fine. Deal. May the best amateur baker win, but we are playing Christmas music or you will sleep on the couch."

"Fine. Deal." He mocks.

Sophia plays her music and each takes their side of the kitchen and they bake their pies which they both followed the instructions carefully though it took wade longer since he had to scrape an actual pumpkin and decided to cut it out into a face too although Halloween was long gone.

Sophia finishes first so she takes that time to get ready for dinner. She puts on a burgundy-colored dress with black heels. The dress code was fancy.

Wade walks into their bedroom since he also has to change but he stops in his tracks when he sees her. "What?" Sophia asks with a soft chuckle and her cheeks bright red since he was making her nervous.

"You look beautiful, Sophia." He tells her. He kisses her cheek before bragging about his suit and going into the bathroom to change. Sophia smiles to herself even more wondering how she got so lucky. Better than winning the lottery.

Wade changes into his suit, usually one that he wears to work, and pairs it with a tie the same color and Sophia's dress though he usually goes for purple.

He walks out and Sophia has the same reaction he had with her. "You look handsome, Wade." She pecks his lips, returning the compliment he deserves.

"Thank you." He smiles. "You ready? All we need to do is put the pies in a bag and go."

She nods. "I already did it. They're in the car."

Sophia - #1 in the ice seriesWhere stories live. Discover now