Sophia - CHAPTER 11

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Sophia invited Wade over for the day since it seemed like it was the first time he wasn't busy the whole day. She was really excited.

She puts on leggings which she hasn't since the incident happened, she pairs it with a white tank top, and over it, she wears Wade's sweatshirt which he swears he accidentally left it there but now it's hers.

She plans for them to go out and get some greek food and then pretend to be tourists in the city they live in.

Wade rings the doorbell and he hears her yell that she's coming. Sophia opens the door, smiling. "Hey, handsome."

"Hey, beautiful." He smiles back. "Empty apartment. huh?" He asks her after kissing her and walking inside.

Sophia nods. "Mackayla and Ander went to Orlando to spend the day."

Wade pulls her in to kiss her lightly before he wraps his arm around her waist making Sophia's legs feel like jelly since that was so incredibly smooth.

Wade picks her up and shuts the door closed. He lays her down on the couch and hovers over her. He was about to kiss her again when her phone rings. Sophia grabs her phone. "It's Marie." She explains before picking up.

Wade sits back on the couch and Sophia sits up. "Hey, Marie! What's up?"

"Hey, hun! I know this is so last minute but Bryce got out of his interview which means we could possibly have a couple getaway for the day... But we have no one to watch the little one. After seeing you guys at the fair with Emma, I was wondering if you could take her for the day? I can pay you if you want."

"Oh don't be silly, we will take care of Emma and for free. I'll send you my address and you can drop her off! We'll have tons of fun."

Sophia hears Marie sigh in relief. "Thank you so much! I'll see you soon."

"Bye!" She says before hanging up and she turns to Wade. "Change of plans."

"So I hear." He laughs.

"You're okay with it, right? You came in like you had other plans in mind. Not that I care... Like, at all." Sophia asks.

"Of course I'm okay with it. But I mean I could continue with those plans if you want me to." He tells her while grabbing her jaw and pulling her near enough where their lips are barely touching and Sophia's hand falls on his upper thigh to hold herself up.

"I think... We should get our minds set to Emma." She whispers knowing she's teasing him. Wade bites his lower lip but he lets her go.

"What do you have in mind?" He asks her and they start planning the day out so both them and Emma are comfortable.

They decide that they'll take her to get pizza and then they would go to the park before going to see a movie and getting ice cream.

"I hope she doesn't get too tired," Sophia says getting worried. "And I hope she likes what we have planned."

The doorbell rings and Sophia gets up. She opens the door and Emma immediately runs to her. "Oh my gosh! Hey princess!" She says picking her up.

"Thanks again for taking care of her... I don't know what I would do without you." Marie says.

"We would help every time you needed us to. Do you need help with those bags?" Wade asks her and she nods. He takes the bags Marie prepared for Emma and he puts them on the couch.

"Okay... I'll pick her up around 8. Is that okay?" She asks. "I don't want to take too much of your time alone either."

"Pick her up whenever you think is good for you, okay? Enjoy your day with your husband." Sophia tells her.

Sophia - #1 in the ice seriesWhere stories live. Discover now