Sophia - CHAPTER 30

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When Sophia gets back to Tampa and gets to her old apartment, her room is untouched and she's surprised that it is since Mackayla has always talked about wanting a mini yoga room.

She puts her stuff away and decides to grab as much as she can from Wade's apartment before he gets back. When she unlocks that door, she's immediately hit with what used to be a comforting smell and now it just tears her apart. She slowly walks in and takes a look everywhere noticing how different the apartment looked ever since she first saw it.

When she gets to the bedroom, she grabs all his clothes except the shirts he bought her once for no reason at all. Or so he said. She also grabs the other chargers she has just in case and whatever of hers that's in the bathroom.

When she comes back up from putting everything in her car. She looks at the entry of the apartment before slamming the door shut.

She looks at the door although that slam should've done that on its own and she slips her key under the door until it's inside.

She picks up Bolt from Mia's place. Mia tries to get her to stay so she has company but Sophia says no but thanks her.

Sophia gets back to her place and she decides to check if she got the job she applied for. When her Gmail opens, her jaw drops.

Thank you ms. Davis for your application! We went over your article at least a thousand times and each time we love it even more! So yes! You got the job. Please contact us for more information whenever you see this.

-Lily Anderson

p.s: this is so getting published after this Email.

"No, no, no," Sophia mumbles under her breath. She types in Tampa Bay Times Sports and it's the first article to pop up.

Wade Anderson, Just because he's good on ice, doesn't mean he isn't a son of a b----.

Sophia reads the article. Yep, that's hers.

She goes back to her email and starts replying.

Thank you so much! I am so excited to start working for you! I can start as soon as Monday after New Years', how does that sound?

She wants to ask them to take the article down, but what if they take this opportunity away with it?

She ends up just saying thank you again and hitting send. Then her phone starts ringing and Wade's name is on the top.

She doesn't want to answer but she ends up doing so anyway. "Soph." He takes a deep breath while saying her name and it makes her put her hands in small fists. "I didn't think you'd-"

The sound of his voice brought her so many strong emotions she didn't know how to deal with it.

"What do you want?"

"I just saw the article... Did you mean all of this?" He asks her.

Sophia covers her face with her hands. How did he get to it this fast? "I guess so." She says in a low voice.

"Okay- I guess I just- I understand." Wade stumbles on his words not knowing what to say. The fact that she felt like he was a monster to her made him feel so small and like there was absolutely no chance of them happening ever again and that destroyed him.

"I never meant-"

"Don't finish that sentence, Anderson."

They both stay in silence but neither of them hangs up and this goes on for not 1, not 2, but 4 hours. "Did you get the job?" He finally asks. "Well duh, they published your article." He adds up realizing how stupid that question was.

Sophia - #1 in the ice seriesWhere stories live. Discover now