Sophia - CHAPTER 52

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OKAY! before we dive in, a few announcements, first, under the introduction chapter I posted a playlist and will be updated as I add the songs to my Spotify playlist. Teo, I will try to update twice a week since this book is - sadly - coming to an end but don't worry, it is not the end of the ice series. Please let me know if you have any ideas of what you want to see from me! And lastly, thank you for all the support, it is seriously amazing and overwhelming in the best way. Sophia and Wade are SO special to me and I'm glad you guys love them too.


It's a few days later and Ander, Mackayla, Jack, Reagan, Wade, and Sophia decide to go hiking.

"Have you ever been hiking before, baby?" Wade asks Sophia when he sees her put shorts in.

"Yeah, why?"

"Because it's safer if you wear long sweats or leggings so you don't get any bug bites or touch any toxic plants give you allergies." He explains and Sophia looks down. "Plus, I get to see you in leggings."

Sophia blushes. "I'll change then... perv."

He hits her with his shirt jokingly before putting it on. "Yet you still love me to death, huh?"

"Hm... Sadly."

Sophia changes and she finishes getting ready. "We need to take pictures today. I have my first collab with lululemon!" She says excitedly. "They sent me these t-shirts to try out and they're so cute and comfy."

Wade laughs. "You're too cute, Sophia."

She shrugs and smiles. "The girl even sent one for you if you want to put it on."

"Sure. I'll do that and then we can wait for the rest."

Once Wade has changed they go downstairs and they slow down their pace when they hear and see Jack and Reagan laughing while wrestling on the floor.

Sophia smiles at Wade and he smiles down before kissing her forehead.

"Hey, love birds," Sophia says.

Jack gets off Reagan laughing and he adjusts his shirt. "Hey, Soph." He says without carrying about Sophia's comment.

"Hey, Sophia! I love your shirt!" Reagan says with a really happy tone.

"Thank you! I have a bunch like these if you want any."

"Oh yes! That would be great." She thanks her and Sophia shows her pictures of the shirts.

Wade gets the things they need and when he picks up Sophia's phone he sees an email from both the Calgary Times and New York Times. He doesn't open them since he can already assume what they're both about.

"B, did you get my camera?" Sophia asks and then she sees what Wade was seeing. "Oh."

They both keep their silence for a moment until Sophia deletes the notifications. "Not today, okay? It's Sunday anyway. Let's enjoy the last day of the weekend with no work stuff." She pecks his lips giving him more reassurance but she felt like she needed it as well.

"I love you, Sophia." He reminds her. "I'm always here for you."

She rubs his shoulder. "Thank you."

Ander and Mackayla finally come down. "Ready! We're ready." Mackayla says frantically, fixing her hair.

Wade immediately realizes why they were late and he cringes but before he can say anything Sophia gives him a slight nudge and she shakes her head.

They all get into their cars and when they get to the beginning of the trail, Mackayla already looks unsure of the walk.

"It's so steep." She whines.

Sophia - #1 in the ice seriesWhere stories live. Discover now