Sophia - CHAPTER 19

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TW: mature scene (also cut me some slack, it's my first full smut scene)


It was the morning that Wade is supposed to come back and Sophia has been staying with Mackayla so as soon as she gets the text that he's in his apartment, she goes there.

She grabs the keys she has and she's shaking from excitement. It's a struggle to get the door open but she gets it done. When she gets in, Wade drops his controller and picks her up in a hug. He lets out a deep breath. "I missed you so much, Sophia." He says against her neck.

"I missed you too." She responds.

They will never get tired of seeing each other after he's been away for however long. It feels like the first time every single time.

Wade grabs her face and gives her a long kiss before they both sit down on the couch, with Sophia's legs over his. "How was the trip back?" She asks him.

"Fast, thank god. Dilaurentis told me Mackayla is meeting his parents."

"Yeah, she wasn't sure so I convinced her," Sophia tells him while she plays with Bolt on her lap.

"Well, speaking of, do you want to come with me to Canada for Christmas?" He asks her as if it isn't a big deal, while he keeps playing his video games.

Sophia's eyes widen."Like meeting and spending time with your family, Canada?"

He nods. "Yeah, and my friends back home." Sophia smiles widely and Wade notices. "Does that mean yes?"

She nods quickly, "Yes, of course!"

Wade chuckles. "Great. I was going to take you somewhere else for the holidays but my mom mentioned it. She can't wait to meet you."

Sophia kisses his cheek. "tell her I feel the same way."

Wade keeps playing his video games but after a while, he turns the Xbox off. "Anything new while I was gone?" He asks her.

"I might apply at the Tampa Bay Times, the one I told you about." She says. "I need a killer resume... At first, I thought I could do it but now... I don't know."

"What do you mean? You're crazy smart. I've seen your stuff and homework."

"You went through my homework?" She crosses her arms with a smirk.

"Of course I did. You won't show me because you're shy about your work but I mean it, Soph. You are so smart and they'd be stupid not to accept you. Apply."

She shrugs. "Maybe. I'll think about it."

"Fine, I won't pressure you... Anyway, I made plans for us tonight."

"Yeah? What is it?"

Wade disappears but comes back out with a cowboy hat and Sophia is still confused.

"We are going to Rodeo."

"Seriously?" Sophia laughs. "How much has my country music affected you, sweets?"

"A whole lot. Now go get changed, I got you a hat, a pair of boots and a buckle. The place is a bit far away."

She grabs the hat and puts it on. "We are going to have so much fun."

Sophia practically lives in his apartment but there are just a few things missing. She grabs a pair of shorts she has and a white tee. She also grabs one of Wade's flannel and puts on the cowboy boots Wade got her for her.

When Wade gets ready, he wears his long jeans which he hasn't in a long time and he wears the other flannel. He doesn't own any boots so he goes with sneakers.

Sophia - #1 in the ice seriesWhere stories live. Discover now