Sophia - CHAPTER 39

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Sophia lands in Toronto where Landon promised to pick her up so she decides to get a cup of coffee and text Wade that she landed.

Wade: How was flying alone for a second time?

Me: Nerve-wracking. It still feels like a dream.

Wade: I'm glad you made it there safely.

Me: I can't wait to see you Monday.

Wade: Me neither. I'll pick you up from the airport.

Me: Perfect.

"Sophia," Landon says behind her. When she turns around, she has no time to react when he hugs her and kisses her like they've been together for years. "I'm glad you're here."

"Uhm... Me too." She says confused and unsure of what just happened.

"Did you check in any bags?"

She shakes her head. "Just this little one. It's a weekend after all."

"Okay, then let's head to my place."

He takes her bags and Sophia is trying to analyze him. Wondering how he's in such a good mood. He's never like this. "Why are you so... happy?" She asks him.

"Because you're here. Duh." He laughs.

"Well, you didn't act like this in Tampa."

"Mostly because I knew Wade was there, I guess. triggered my fight or flight."

"Hm." She raises her eyebrows. So that whole attitude was because of a Wade? That sounds childish to her. "What do you have planned for today?"

"Not much." He smirks. "Hanging out at the apartment. Maybe watch a movie."

"You practically begged me to fly up here and all you want to do is 'hang'?"

"Well, we would do more than just that." He winks at her and she finally realizes what he meant. It grosses her out. It's not like he's good at it either. "I do have practice later on so maybe you could go out on your own."

"Oh." Is all that she says. "So you don't want to be seen with me?"

"It's not like we're dating."

Sophia rolls her eyes aggressively. "You're so full of yourself. Could you maybe just think for a second that we are just friends. You beg me to come to Toronto just so you can keep me away from Toronto."

"I don't think just friends suck each other off."

Sophia groans. She liked the nice Landon better. But at least he was back to normal and not freaking her out with the good guy act.

"So this is why you brought me here. Well, of course, you're Landon Kendall." She laughs sarcastically. "It's sad. I genuinely thought you were a good guy."

"It's not hard work when you find an easy girl."

Sophia's jaw drops. She's had enough with his little dick attitude. "Take me back to the airport."

"Oh, cmon, you know I was joking-"

"If you don't fucking turn around I will call the cops and say that you are kidnapping me. I'm sure you don't want your pretty boy act to be all ruined, now do you?" Sophia threatens him and that's when he takes the turn.

When he parks in front of the airport, they both get out and Sophia grabs her bags from the trunk. "Can we please talk-"

"No. I'm so done with you. I seriously thought that I could end this the right way, but I guess not. Grow up, because I promise you no girl or woman will take shit like this. It's a little boy act that no one likes. And you can call me a bitch, you can call me crazy, and guess what, I don't care because the only reason you call me those things, is because you know I'm right."

Sophia - #1 in the ice seriesWhere stories live. Discover now