Sophia - CHAPTER 40

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The next morning, Sophia wakes up before Wade and she chooses to admire his old and new features like his grown-out hair and how he cut his beard. His tattoo or how he looks like he got stronger.

Either that or she's been with a skinny boy too long.

Sophia draws circles on his chest and that's how he slowly wakes up. She smiles up at him. "Good morning."

"Hmm," Wade says stretching and he brings her in for a kiss. "Good morning to me." He says against her lips and Sophia laughs.

"How did you sleep?" She asks.

"Good. Really good." He answers. "How did you sleep?"

"Meh, I had this giant bear make me sweat all night but it was alright besides that." She smirks.

"Well to me it sounds like you like that bear a lot if you let it sleep with you."

Sophia shrugs. "Maybe I was just being nice."

"Ah, I see." Wade smiles knowing she's joking.

Sophia gets up and opens his window and a cold breeze comes in. "It still smells like Christmas." She says.

Wade gets up and wraps his arms around her from behind and he squeezes her. "Yeah, it does."

He kisses her neck all the way up to her lips. "Wade... I know what you're thinking and as much as that sounds amazing, your whole family is in the house." Sophia reminds him.

He grabs her tighter and whine. "But it's been so long. I don't ever want to not hold you and touch anymore. I won't let go. We have too much to make up for anyway."

Sophia's stomach fills up with butterflies at the idea of that and she smiles. Before she can say anything, Wade's phone rings and he sighs, letting Sophia go and looking at who's calling him.

"Hmm, that's weird, it's a Calgary number but I don't have it saved. Who's calling me at 7 am anyway?" He says confused.

"Put it on speaker," Sophia suggests. "I can record it in case it's like a scam or something."

"Good idea."

She grabs her phone and starts recording and Wade picks up. "Hello?"

"Wade! So you-"

"Kailey? How the hell did you get my number? I thought I blocked you."

"Yeah... I got a new phone. So anyway, why do you still sound angry? I thought you'd be over everything that happened during Christmas and Sophie girl." Kailey complains. Wade and Sophia share a look understanding that this girl is completely psycho and there's nothing they can do to stop her without involving the authorities.

"Hey, Kailey," Sophia says. "Seems like you missed me."

"Oh. You guys got back together?" Kailey says sounding disgusted. "But he cheated on you. With me."

"Kailey, sweetie, I saw the video," Sophia tells her. "I would also really appreciate it if you didn't stalk down my boyfriend and his family. It's a little... creepy."

Kailey doesn't say anything so Wade takes his turn. "I will tell you one last time, Kailey. Stay out of my life and out of my family's life. And if I catch you changing your number again or finding Sophia's social media and you threaten her, I will get a restraining order. I don't want to have to go there but looks like I will."

He hangs up angrily and Sophia laughs because she thinks it's funny. "Laugh all you want Sophia, it's creepy having a stalker psychopath."

"It's just cute when you're angry. Not at me of course."

Sophia - #1 in the ice seriesWhere stories live. Discover now